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warning: smut/fluff mentioned

Remus POV:

    Her touch was intoxicating. Every little brush, or loving stroke could make me forget my worries and past. I lover it and always want for more.
    She had a habit to scratch my back sore until she left marks running down my back, as she tried to detract herself from what I was doing to her.
   I loved every bit of it even if it would cause slight pain.
   I never regretted any mark she would give me.
Until now.
   "Moony..." Sirius shakes his head, his curly locks getting even messier.
   He was inspecting my scratches on my body as Molly gently bandaged my wounds.
   Molly murmured comments as shw left the room to go fetch another cleaning towel to wash the blood of me.
  I rubbed by sore jaw and glared up at Padfoot, who was pretending that he wasn't staring at me a few seconds ago.    He attempted to clean his nails which were caked in dirt.
    Molly returned and went back to cleaning my bloody face as I played with a hole in my ripped slacks.

  "Never knew you were this flexible," He teased as he touched a part on my back a few inches away far from the back of my neck. He ran his rough hand down my back to the bottom of it.
  I was confused, I didn't think even I could reach that part of my back. I attempted to find the scar and run a hand over it to investigate.
  "Rem! I have your chocolate!" I hear a soft,but familiar voice call from the hallway. It is followed by a loud crash and almost as loud cursing. Then I hear the snicker from Sirius.
   "Moony! You dirty dog!" He smacks me on the back of the head, earning a wince from me. "And I thought I was the dirty one." He smirks wildly.
    My face turns red slowly as I realize.
I didn't give myself these strange marks.

And now I have to explain what I did with his younger cousin.
  "This will be fun'" I mumbled as Sirius howls with laughter in the background as Tonks looks at us in confusion.


Authors note:
  lmao they dirty

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