he's a keeper

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( part 1 )
Tonks POV


Tonks' eyes were shut tight as she started to fall but to her surprise she didn't hit the hard wood floor.
Warm,gentle hands held onto to her waist keeping her suspended in the air, just a few  inches off the ground.
She opens her eyes to find large chocolate brown ones staring at her.
And she stared back.
The owner of the stunning eyes belonged to even more stunning man. He was obviously older and taller then Tonks. He seemed wiser, smarter then her also, but Tonks didn't care.
His face held mysterious scars and cuts. He may have been in many wars and fights unlike Tonks who was new to all this.
Many of them were covered by his shaggy (but cute) carmel locks.
"Excuse me Miss?.." The man finally stammers. His voice is strong and rough, but has a hint of hurt and pain as if every word that leaves his throat is like stepping barefoot on shards of glass.
Tonks blushed heavily and got up, reluctant leave his strong, welcoming arms.
She thinks of saying You're hot or Please date me but decides against it.
" Th-thanks."she manages to mumble as she eyes the man's shaggy clothes. Where has this man been? She thinks to herself as she notices large gashes in the clothing.
" Names Tonks," she says as she gains more confidence with this man. She holds out a hand. A delicate hand, but large shakes it in responce.
" Remus Lupin," the man responds a bit shyly.
Tonks smiles sweetly and thinks
        This man is a keeper.

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