Part 4

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                                                                    ~3 MONTHS LATER~ 


It had been three months since Thorin announced to Kili at breakfast...three long agonizing months that he had to try and figure out what courting gift would be appropriate  to give to Princess Pharyn when she arrived. Kili already made the traditional family bead complete with the Durin crest on it, along with his own personal symbol of two arrows crossing..for her he used a simple symbol of a tiny jewelers hammer since he heard her craft was that of a jeweler. The gift it seemed was going to be harder...he didn't have any clue what she would like..he even asked  Fili what would be good, but he didn't know either. Kili was walking around , kicking a small stone along in his path with his booted foot when a idea suddenly came to him...he's a hunter and what do hunters aquire?...furs, pelts, and meat....which Kili had a lot of the first two in storage. The image of a beautiful bear skin blanket came to mind and Kili knew it was perfect for a courting gift. He quickly ran to his storage room where he kept his assorted stock that he had gained over the years and began to search for the perfect one. It didn't take him long to find the perfect was deep black and very soft to the touch with how lush it was...he smiled as he remembered how he had come by this particularly exquisite piece.

It was early autumn, two years ago, whenever Fili and him went out to hunt for some meat to help fill the larder that was running low on food for the newly reclaimed mountain. They both had left out at dawn in hopes to find deer nibbling on freshly misted grass that would be nice and plump for the hunting....their prayers were answered  for there was a small herd licking at the dewy grass and grazing. They both hid perfectly behind some rocks that was downwind of the small herd...Kili silently took aim at a very large doe and then let loose his was a clean shot and quick. Seconds after the doe fell the rest of the herd darted away back into the safety of the bordering forest..leaving behind their fallen companion as loud victorious cries filled the air of the men's triumphant kill. Both men scrambled quickly down from the rocks and began to clean the carcass when it suddenly happened...this giant black bear came roaring out of the forest straight at them. Without any thought ...purely  on instinct...Kili swiftly drew his bow and shot an arrow through the beast's must have a thick head because it only angered it more. Kili thought he was a goner as the massive bear  rose up onto its back legs..preparing to swipe at the cringing archer, when suddenly there was Fili  with his twin swords...slashing at the creature while Kili began to fill it with arrows until finally the beast fell to the earth ...dead. They leaned against each other , gasping for breath at how close they had come to deaths door. Kili tried to convince Fili that the fur belonged to his older brother but Fili would not hear of it...he even made the comment of Kili could use it to woo some fair dwarven maiden to overlook how scrawny  and beardless he was. Kili punched Fili on the shoulder and they both Kili was glad he took it for now it would serve that very purpose.

As Kili ran his fingers over the lush pelt an unbidden image of Bofur came to mind...he closed his eyes on a groan as he tried to push the image from his came anyway. Kili could see himself walking into his bedroom and there upon the bed was Bofur with his gorgeous dark hair unbound and flowing down upon his shoulders...holding out a hand, beckoning to his young lover to come closer....the midnight pelt blanket pulled up only so far over Bofur's hip, leaving his chest bared to Kili's gaze while his face was seductively enticing his lover closer to where he laid. As Kili's mind envisioned this he felt himself become rock hard down below and he had to quickly banish this wistful vision out of his head. He knew it was only a fantasy and could never why torture himself. With a growl Kili spun on his heel and ran out the door with the pelt in hand to begin making it into the perfect gift that any princess would be proud to receive.

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