One More Month

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"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..." Your mother muttered as she pet your head to calm you down.

"It's not fair..." You cried. "C-can't we do something to help? Medicine? Treatment? Momma please do something to help..." You begged. You had a tendency to call her momma when you were sad or you really wanted something.

She just shook her head in response. "They said I could live another few months in a hospital, or a month here. And I chose to be happier. With you and my husband. And the person that made my daughter the happiest she's ever been." She stroked your cheek gently.

"I don't want to live without you..." You said in between sobs.

"I know baby... But it's gonna be ok. I promise..." She said. "I've always told you to find the positives right?" She held your shoulders. "You'll have one less person on your case. No more nagging about grades, or anything like that." She sighed. "You'll have more time to worry about yourself." She kissed your head.

"But I want to hear you nagging at me..." You whimpered. She smiled and hugged you again.



"Oh look at that!" Your mom pointed at the sky, showing the shooting star that was passing by with quick speeds. "Make a wish!" She yelled quickly. You closed your eyes and wished really hard.

'Please let my mom stay here with me. Please don't let her die. I wish my mom didn't have cancer...' You thought your wish repeatedly until your mom nudged you and smiled.

"What's your wish?" She asked.

"Can't tell you or it won't work." You frowned and crossed your arms.

"Ughhhh fine." She said dramatically, making you smile.


"Aish... You'll catch a cold like this." Jimin said as he watched you sleeping with your mom by the pool. He walked out and gently brushed a finger over your cheek, making you open your eyes. "Let's go inside and sleep." Jimin said quietly.

You sat up slowly and yawned. "Momma..." You shook her gently. She woke up and sat up slowly.

"Hm..?" She hummed as she looked over and saw you. She smiled. "Ahh, we fell asleep out here..." She giggled and stood up slowly, helping you stand.

"Here, I'll take you to dad. (Y/n), go lay down I'll be there in a minute." Jimin said as he helped your mom into the house and took her to her room that she shared with his dad.

You stood there, in front of the pool. You process what has happen today. Your arm, finding out about her cancer, talking about it, and then star gazing. You felt cold, and you had goose bumps all over, but you didn't wanna go. You couldn't think about your mom leaving. It was too much. You were snapped out of your thoughts when a hand rested on your shoulder.

"Are you ok..?" Jimin asked in a gentle tone. You smiled and grab his hand.

"Yeah, I'm ok." You looked back at him and shrugged. "But... I'd be better if you made me hot chocolate." You said in a cute tone.

"In summer?" He asked with a snicker and walked inside with you, leading you to the kitchen.

"Shut up or I'll hurt you." You threatened.

"Empty threat." He said with a smirk. You stuck your tongue out at him as he made hot chocolate for you. He handed you a hot mug full of the hot chocolate and sat next to you. He wanted you to tell him what you talked about but he didn't wanna trigger anything. After a minute of silence, you spoke up.

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