Chapter 6

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Bruce was right. It wasn't any of his business. And really, why should he worry? Still, something was not right here.

Dick and Bruce talked casually until it was around two. Then Bruce had to go to some meeting. Dick yawned. He was still tired. Slowly he curled back up in his bed and fell asleep.

Barb knocked on the door for the third time. She hoped this was the right house. It would be really embarrassing if a total stranger answered the door. Well, technically Dick's parents were still strangers but if she knew Dick, their kid, did it really count? She looked at the notebook in her hand. 563 Eireann Drive. Yeah, that was it. A normal, white walled house with window boxes and a well manicured lawn. Barb wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. One window was open. It was a big window and there was nothing under it. Barb had an idea.

She put down her abnormally heavy backpack and sneaked towards the window very quietly. As she got closer she realized that it was a bedroom window. She could now hear a faint snoring from inside. Finally she was close enough to peek in. In this very messy room it was hard to tell what things were which. Then she noticed a tuft of black hair sticking out from a pile of blankets on the opposite side. It was Dick, entangled in the multicolored pile. His arms lay at odd angles and his toes were just sticking out of the end. It was so odd and slightly adorable that she had to laugh. There was a snort and some of the blankets jerked around. Barbara laughed so hard she fell over, rolling in the grass. From inside came grunts and rustling noises and other disgruntled sounds. Then she heard a little, "Help". Looking back in through the window she saw a bright pair of blue eyes peeking over the edge of the blankets. "I'm kind of stuck," Dick muttered. She could tell he was blushing with only his eyes and toes showing.

"Should i come through the window or will you open the door?"

"It's open."

Barb went in through the front door and brought her stuff with her. She left it in the front hall. While she tried to figure out where Dick's room was, which wasn't too hard, she thought how much easier it would have been for her to walk right in. There was Dick's door. It was kind of hard to miss with all the nameplates. Ordered by the age in which he had made them she guessed. "Knock, knock. Is it safe to come in?"

"If you can open the door."

She had to look around to find him again. He had gotten himself even more tangled up than before. She shot him a questioning look and he shrugged sheepishly.

"You shouldn't leave the door unlocked. That's just asking for trouble."

"Trouble is my middle name," Dick replied. He tried to look dignified. Barb tried not to laugh again. "Really," he protested. I can handle anything."

Barb looked skeptical. "Even the dastardly blankets that are trying to strangle you?"

"Ok, maybe not that." He laughed.

"Before I untangle you, you are wearing pants under there, right?"

"....Sure. Let's go with that."

Once Dick had gotten himself untangled and put on a clean shirt, they went out to the kitchen and talked over some cold waffles and orange juice. Barb noticed the article in the paper.

"Wow. They totally skipped you and got the story wrong. Typical reporters."

"Yeah. I was kinda bummed. But that's OK. I'm good. So school's over for the day?"

"Oh, right. That's pretty much the whole reason I came over here. I brought you your homework." She held up a folder full of papers.

Dick groaned. "Do I have too?"

"Come on, you big baby. This stuff is easy. I'll help you if you want."

"Nah. I'd rather go out and do something. Sitting around inside is boring."

"Hey, why don't we go and visit Corbin in the hospital? I'm sure he'd love to see us."

"To see you, you mean. He's probably mad at me and humiliated that his 'prank' went wrong and cost his folks a bunch of money."

"Really, you are such a party pooper. What do you want to do?"

"Hey, I'm not against an invigorating bike ride. But I've only got one. You up to riding on the handle bars?"

It was almost five by the time they got to the hospital. The nurse at the desk said, "Floor 7, room 128. Please be quick. Visiting hours are almost over."

When they reached the room, Barbara went in first. Dick peeked through the crack in the door. He wasn't sure if this had been a good idea. Corbin was excited. Apparently he hadn't had many visitors. ".. and there's this big party tonight. I'm going to sneak out after we get home and go. Do you want to be my date, Barb?" At this, Dick stepped into the room. "Actually, she has plans."

She looked at him questioningly but didn't actually say, "I do?"

"She," Dick continued, "is going to help me with my makeup homework."

"Oh," said Corbin. "Cool. Wait. Makeup homework? Why were you out?"

"I passed out after i rescued you."

"Wait, it was you who rescued me?"

"Yeah. Did no one ever tell you?"

"No." Corbin looked sort of stunned. "Thanks man."

"Don't mention it. So, how many stitches did you get?"

"Six but that's beside the point. I'm sorry, man. I was a real jerk. And then you saved me. I probably would have died if it wasn't for you."

"That's OK, it's cool."

"So we're good now?"

"Yeah, we're good."

"Sorry for interrupting, boys," said Barbara. "But visiting hours are over and Corbin's folks are here to take him home."

Dick texted his parents to tell them where he was and they came to pick him and Barb up. She helped him with his homework until around eight. Dick walked her home. Her parents were watching a movie together.

"Shh," Barb whispered. She grabbed Dick's hand and dragged him into the room. They sneaked past behind the couch and up to her bedroom. There They talked and laughed in whispers. He learned that Barb wanted to be a police officer when she grew up, or maybe a spy. He told her about how he used to have nightmares as a kid and strange fears. They told scary stories by the light of a flashlight and played truth or dare. Apparently her nickname as a child was "Copper" because she would try to arrest anyone she saw breaking a rule. When her parents came up to say goodnight, he hid under the bed. While he was there, he saw a box. It had letters in it. He saw a piece of one with "To my Special Someone" on it. It was intriguing but she dragged him out before he had a chance to read anymore.

"It's getting late," he said reluctantly. "I had better go."

"Yeah, I guess," she replied. Barb wasn't too happy about it either. "Climb out the window. It's faster and quieter. I sneak out all the time that way."

As he was about to slide down the shingles, she reached out the window and pulled him towards her. She kissed him and whispered, "Good night."

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