who found out about it

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The first one Sirius told about having an extreme crush on Remus was James. Not only because they were best mates, but because James would totally have figured out that Sirius was keeping a secret from him. James, of course, was totally cool with the whole I'm-gay thing.

What he wasn't okay with was that Sirius hadn't admitted his feelings to Moony yet. "You're wasting precious seconds by worrying about it when you could have been cuddled on the couch with him right now!" He'd say. Sirius had to admit that James made a good point.

Remus first told Lily that he liked Sirius. She had already figured this out, because Remus was always staring at Sirius in a not-just-friends way. Lily gave him helpful hints about flirting with boys, since she'd had boyfriends herself, including James.

Eventually, James was able to convince Sirius to tell Remus. Lily was super happy for her friends when he did, but of course Remus was happier.

Peter never knew a thing until, like, a year later.

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