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"Han Solo, Captain of the Millennium Falcon." An attractive young man wearing a brown vest sat across Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Luke. "Chewie tells me you guys are looking for passage to the Alderaan System."

"Yes, indeed." Obi-Wan confirmed, his negotiating skills coming back to play, "If it's a fast ship."

"Fast ship!? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?" Han widened his eyes in surprise.

"Should I have?" Obi-Wan asks. Anakin put his head in his hands, embarrassed he had to say that.

"It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs." Han boasted, "I've out run Imperial starships, not the local bulk cruisers, I'm talking the big Corellian ships." He waited for looks of astonishment, when they didn't come in the exaggeration he wanted he stared right back at Obi-Wan, "He's fast enough for you, old man."

Anakin decided then that he had respect for this kid.

"What's the cargo?" Han asked.

"Only passengers." Obi-Wan told him, "Just myself, my friend, the boy, and two droids. And no questions asked."

Han started to laugh, "What is it some kind of local trouble?" Because Han couldn't think of any reason they'd be coming to him as a passenger transport when they could find something legal.

"You could say we're looking to avoid Imperial entanglements." Anakin leaned back, if only he knew how much they had to avoid the Empire.

"Well that's the real trick, isn't it?" Han exhaled staring at them, "And it's gunna cost you somethin' extra: ten thousand all in advance."

"Ten thousand?!" Luke spoke up for the first time. Anakin grabbed his shoulder to calm him down, the last thing they needed was to lose this ship, "We could almost buy our own ship for that." Luke looked back at Anakin. Obi-Wan watched to see how that reaction would play over with Captain Solo.

"But who's gunna fly it, kid?" Han leaned forward, just from that gesture Obi-Wan knew that Han wasn't setting his price at ten thousand for fun. He needed the money, "You?"

"You bet I could, I'm not such a bad pilot myself!" Luke defended himself, Anakin rose an eyebrow. He found himself proud that his son was a pilot just like him, "C'mon we don't have to sit and listen to this." Anakin brought Luke to sit back down.

"We can pay you two thousand now," Obi-Wan bartered, Han was about to decline until hearing the second part of the offer: "Plus fifteen thousand when we reach Alderaan." Now was the time that Anakin shared Luke's expression.

"Seventeen?" Han's mouth dropped but he tried to remain his cool, "Okay, you guys got yourselves a ship. We'll leave as soon as your ready. Docking bay ninety-four."

"Ninety-four." Obi-Wan nodded.

Han looked just passed them to see the bartender speaking to some imperial sand troopers that pointed towards them. He leaned across the table to tell Anakin: "Looks like someone's beginning to take an interest in your handy work." His eyes flashed from Anakin's to the lightsaber at Anakin's side.

They exchanged a silent nod and then the three quietly and subtly left through a back door that Anakin had found previously. Without the Sand troopers able to do a thing as they exchanged a stare with the Captain of the Millennium Falcon.

"Seventeen thousand!" Han patted Chewie in excitement, "These guys must really be desperate. And this can really save my neck. get back to the ship-" Han was following Chewie up from the table when a familiar face stopped him in his track.

"Going somewhere, Solo?" The familiar bounty hunter known as Greedo held a blaster to Han's chest. He spoke in his home world language that due to their previous exchanges, Han understood.

"Yes, Greedo." Han was backed to sit back down, "As a matter of fact, I was just going to see your boss. Tell Jabba that I've got his money."

"It's too late." Greedo kept his blaster up as he sat across Han, "You should have paid him when you had the chance. Jabba's put a price on your head so large every bounty hunter in the galaxy will be looking for you." Greedo laughed at his misfortune, "I'm lucky I found you first."

"Yeah, but this time I've got the money." Han leaned back and put his foot up on the table.

"If you give it to me, I might forget I found you." Greedo offered. But Han knew better than to fall for that, plus he didn't have a choice considering he really didn't have the money.

"I don't have it with me." Han said turning his eyes back to Greedo, "Look, tell Jabba-"

"Jabba's through with you.." Greedo stood, upset he couldn't swindle more money off him. Han knew where his choices were so he slowly took his own blaster out of its holster while staring in a different direction. "..He has no time for smugglers who drop their shipments at the first sight of an Imperial cruiser."

"Look, even I get boarded sometimes, you think I had a choice?" Han bent his wrist and aimed without looking.

"You can tell that to Jabba, maybe he'll just take your ship." Greedo laughed.

"Over my dead body." Han stared seriously at Greedo, he doesn't mess around when talking about his ship.

"That's the idea." Greedo said, "You know I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Greedo aimed his blaster at Han's head, but Han has had his ready for minutes now.

"I bet you have." Han said, then he fired his blaster right into Greedo's chest before Greedo could even fire a single blast.

Han smiled and dusted himself off, took his eyes off Greedo's dead, sizzling body, then waltzed for the door.

"Sorry about the mess." Han told the bartender and tossed him a few credits. Ladies eyed him as he left, such a suave presence.

Outside, the three runaways were scurrying around frantically.

"Seventeen thousand?" Anakin stopped Obi-Wan as soon as they were in the clear, "What were you thinking? We don't have that kind of money?"

"We will. But we must work swiftly." Obi-Wan calmed his one time Padawan. He turned to Luke, "We're going to have to sell your speeder."

"That's fine. I don't plan on returning to this planet again." Luke kept his eyes down. He knew he should be excited to leave but all he felt was anxiousness. He needed to get out of there since it prolonged himself never facing the fact that everyone in his family is gone.

Anakin put a silent hand on his upper back. He could feel Luke's anxiousness and felt the same way. Luke didn't know why he felt the same way but Anakin gave a silent empathetic pat because in their time strict mission they didn't have time to exchange words. Perhaps when they were safely on their way to Alderaan would there be more time to answer questions like this.

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