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Luke stands on his hands once more. This time he feels it. The expression on his face is no longer strained. Sweat does fall down his face, but he doesn't care as he reaches out to the objects around him. He lifts up multiple crates and rocks and even R2. Yoda smiles as the theory he owned, was proving to be true.

"Good... Calm." Yoda encouraged, "Through the Force, things you will see. Other places, the future... the past. Old friends long gone." Yoda warned Luke. Luke decided to try, he closed his eyes.

"Han..." Luke began to receive images of his friends. They strung together in images and feelings the same way that (Y/N) experienced as nightmares as a young Jedi Padawan protector. They weren't as fluid or vivid as Anakin's visions were. He saw Han in a cloud of some type of fog, "Leia..." he saw her in pain, she was in handcuffs, "Father!" He saw his Father on his knees.

Everything comes tumbling down as Luke lets go of his focus. He hits the floor again in distress and anxiety courses through him.

"Control." Yoda grumbles, "You must learn control."

"I saw.." Luke said, searching the floor for the images, the first one he saw: "I saw a city in the clouds."

"Friends you have there." Yoda said, as he was not new to these images the Force shows them.

"They were in pain." Luke told. His eyes showed the anxiety he felt from the images as his arms shook to hold him up weakly. He felt drained.

"It is the future you see." Yoda confirmed.

"The future?" Luke questioned, "Will they die?"

Yoda closed his eyes he reached out to the city in the clouds to see if they would. Yoda saw the same images. Except Yoda saw a larger picture, one that included the background, in it stood the ominous figure that is Darth Majka. Yoda lowered his head, focusing on Anakin who remains on his knees in front of her. The emotions are unclear. Then only a moment later the image changes to Majka on her knees. Then once more, it's Luke who lays on the floor in defeat.

"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future." Yoda says, trying to suede Luke away from the dangers.

"I've got to go to them." Luke stands.

"Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could. But you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered." Yoda talked him back. Luke nodded his head in understanding, he wasn't ready to save them, not yet.


"No, I don't have a landing permit." Han fought with the protectors of the city, "I'm here to see Lando Calrissian." Suddenly blasts hit the side of the ship and rock them back, "Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute, let me explain!"

"You will not deviate from your present course." The intercom demanded.

"Touchy, aren't they?" 3PO commented.

"I thought you said you knew this person?" Anakin accused, getting protective of his daughter's life.

Chewie barked at Han. Which he responded with: "Well that was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten about that." Han shrugged, hoping he really had. Leia looked down at him with daggers in her eyes, which Han ignored.

"Permission granted. Proceed to platform 347." The intercom interrupted.

"Thank you." Han let out the breath he was holding, "See? Nothing to worry about. We go way back."

"Who's worried?" Leia comments, not exactly convinced as she stares at the fighters outside their window. Anakin rubs Leia's back, hoping she receives his calmer energy.

Han is able to land the ship on the platform. When they open the door, Han goes first looking for any sign of this "friend" he has. Anakin comes out last, making sure his hand remains on his saber.

"Oh, no one to meet us?" 3PO looked around at the empty platform.

"I don't like this." Leia said, feeling her pulse racing.

"Me either." Anakin agreed, feeling a much deeper feeling.

"Look, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." Han held Leia's shoulders, "Trust me."

"I do, it's just-" Leia began but the doors to the city opened. Han straightened up and Anakin gripped his saber.

"See? My friend." Han recognized the figure standing in the doorway. But then turned to Anakin to reveal his true worry, he quietly told him to: "Keep your eyes open." Then moved his eyes to his lightsaber and Anakin nodded knowingly.

Han approached the caped figure followed by blue uniformed soldiers, "Hey!"

"Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler! You've got a lot of guts coming here, after what you pulled." The man assumed to be Lando began. Han was genuinely surprised by the outburst, he pointed to himself with a questioning eye as if to say "Me?"

Lando threateningly moves towards Han. Anakin takes his saber off his belt and readies himself. Lando walks up and then suddenly a smile peaks out, he takes Han in an embrace, he had been playing a trick of his own.

"How you doing, you old pirate?" Lando laughed, "So good to see you! I never thought I'd catch up with you again. Where you been?"

Anakin puts his his lightsaber back on his belt. Relieved of the conflict not being serious.

"Well, he seems very friendly." 3PO noted and began to join Chewie in walking over.

"Yes, very friendly." Leia agreed, warily. She still didn't trust him. Neither did Anakin.

"What are you doing here then?" Lando asked.

"Ahh.. repairs." Han pointed to the Falcon. "I thought you could help me out."

"What have you done to my ship?" Lando asked in mock panic.

"Your ship? Hey, remember, you lost her to me fair and square." Han folded his arms.

"Hey, how you doin' Chewbacca?" Lando changed the subject, Chewie joins them and gives Lando a reserved greeting. "Still hanging around with this loser?" Chewie shrugs.

"And who is your new friend?" Lando sees Anakin next.

"Anakin Sk-Starkiller." Anakin introduces himself. The two shake hands. Anakin went under his alias, still not comfortable with the guy or this place. Lando then notices the princess.

"Hello. What have we here? Welcome. I'm Lando Calrissian. I'm the administrator of this facility. And who might you be?" Lando smiles.

"Leia." She tells simply.

"Welcome, Leia." Lando bows and kisses Leia's hand. Leia smiles in an amused manner, not sharing his affections, but flattered.

"Alright, alright. You old smoothie." Han jumps in before Anakin could, grabbing Leia's hand from him and guiding her off the platform.

"Hello, sir. I am C3PO, human-cyborg relations. My facilities are at your..." 3PO began introducing himself, Lando shook his hand without even looking at him, so enchanted with the princess. He begins following Han and Leia. Anakin stands next to him.

"I wouldn't." Anakin muttered.

"Wouldn't be the first woman I stole from another man." Lando bragged, saying his experience was worth any beautiful woman.

"That's not my concern." Anakin stared at him.

"Who are you? Her father?" Lando asked, Anakin just stared at him with threatening eyes. Without even saying a thing Lando looked between Anakin and Leia and realized he was.

"W-What's wrong with the Falcon?" Lando moved as far and fast away from Anakin to ask Han.

"Hyperdrive." Han told.

"I'll get my people to work on it." Lando promised, hoping to gain their trust.

"Good." Han appreciated Lando's hospitality.

"You know that shipped saved my life quite a few times!" Lando told, staring back at the ship, "She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy."

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