Chapter 1

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Maya sat at the lunch table wishing the floor would open up and sallow her whole just so she wouldn't have to stay in the awkwardness of sitting with her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and her friends who she's only recently started to get along with again.

Yeah any time you feel like opening up I'm ready. She mentally urged the ground while playing with her food.

"Babe, you okay?" Noah asks her moving his chair closer.

"Yeah, of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" She lifts her drink to her lips and takes a big gulp, eyes moving nervously from person to person. 

If she was being honest with herself,the tension she was feeling was probably all in her head. Riley and Smackle were giggling about something while Zay talked about his time in Texas with Farkle while also trying to question Noah.

She took a chance and looked up at Lucas and saw that he'd push his tray away and was openly glaring at Noah. So all the tension wasn't in her head after all.

The bell rang out and she let out a breath of relief and immediately pushed her chair back and hurried out of the cafeteria to her next class.


Maya tried making her escape from the discomfort of the day by rushing out the door as soon as her last class for the day was dismissed. Luck isn't exactly on her side. Farkle, Lucas, Zay and Noah stood at the doors of the school talking. How did they even get there so fast?!

Noah was talking to Farkle-they met over the summer- while Zay stood listening and Lucas looked as if he was trying to glare Noah into submission. Noah glanced at him uneasily every few seconds but didn't say anything to him.

"Maya!" she heard Riley call her name which caused all the boys to turn in their direction. Fuck.

"Yeah?" she turns to see Riley coming over with Charlie by her side and a bright smile on her face. 

"You coming to Topanga's today?" Charlie asked and wrapped his arm around Riley's waist.

"Um, yeah, sure." she shrugs.

"Great you can walk with us!" Riley exclaimed grabbing her hand and dragging her over to the group of boys. "You guys ready to go?"

They nodded or gave short replies of agreement. All except for Noah. "Go where exactly?" He asked in confusion.

"To Topanga's." Lucas says to him. "You wouldn't know since you're new here but it's a thing we do, go there after school and hang out. Done it for years, all the time.  It's okay that you don't know though because you're so new. Very, very new." He says the last part through gritted teeth.

"Okay.." Noah trails off looking even more confused. This time by Lucas' attitude. He clearly didn't know why Lucas was being so cold to him and Maya wanted to explain to him but at the same time she didn't.

"Well since we now all know where we're headed to, shall we?" Zay asked turning and walking ahead of everyone else.


After another very awkward- maybe it was just her?- sit down with her 'friends', Noah and Maya dismissed themselves and started to walk to her apartment building.

"So that was fun." He says sarcastically after a few seconds of silence. "Do you guys really do that every day?"

"Yeah, pretty much." she shrug. "Although we stopped for a while last year."

"You did?" He questions and she nod. "Why?"

"You know why." She shoots him a look. Noah knew  all about how tragic her love life was, he just didn't know who it was with.

"Oh right." He nods in understanding. "Zay seems cool.." He trails off, changing the subject.

"But?" She question raising an eyebrow at him.

"No 'buts', he seems cool." He shrugs. After a few seconds he says. "Okay, there is a 'but', Lucas. What's with him? I swear the guy hates me."

Her heart rate speeds up by the mere mention of his name but she tries her best to keep her voice steady as she sas. "I'm sure he doesn't 'hate' you."

"Well he's got a strong disliking for me, that's for sure." He continues. "Did you see the way the guy was looking at me all day and if I ask about anything he tries his best to make me sound stupid."

"We'll to be fair you are pretty stupid." She teases poking his side trying to change the subject.

"Haha, very funny. " He rolled his eyes and took the hand that was poking him into his own and laced their fingers together. 

"Are you coming up?" she asks stopping to face him in front of her building.

He groaned softly. "Sorry, I can't. My brother is still trying to be 'responsible'." he rolls his eyes as he joins their other hands and laces them together. "I give the whole thing three more weeks." he smiles. "Tomorrow?" he asks bringing his face closer to hers.

"Mhmm." she mumbles closing the distance between them and places a short kiss on his lips. "Call me when you get home, okay?" He nodded and she kissed him once more before pulling away and walking up the short steps that led to the door. He waited for her to get it open before waving and walking away.

She took the elevator up to her floor, mentally going through the items in her fridge trying to come up with something for dinner.

She pushes open the door and walks into the living room and is greeted by the grinning face of her mother and a beaming Shawn standing next to her.

"Okay, this is freaky." she says moving closer to them slowly. They turned to each other, then back to her, bright smiles still intact. "What is it?" she ask with a nervous smile on her face.

They glanced at each other again and nod before turning back to her and exclaiming at the same time. "We're getting married!" 




Question of the chapter: Do you like Shawn and Katy?

I wrote this when the episode w/ the proposal came out obviously.

Also I'm changing to third person pov. I just like it better.

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