Chapter 5

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"Maya! You're gonna make us late!" Zay calls out. Him and Noah are in her living room waiting for her to head to the party. 

"I'm ready!" She runs her fingers through her hair one last time and heads into the living room. "No need to get your panties in a twist."

"You took so long to do that?" he teases with an fake glare on his face.

"Don't listen to him, you look great." Noah reassures her holding his hand out for her to take as they leave the apartment.

"I know right?" she smiles cockily.

"Wow!" Zay says as he walks ahead of them.

"I still don't understand why we're going to a party Wednesday night." Noah says, looking down at her. 

"To have fun." she shrugs although it was more to figure out why she has never met this Alex girl before. 


"This bitch lit!" Zay yells to Maya, ironically, over the music as they head to the kitchen of the crowded house causing her to shake her head and laugh as he scans the room. 

The music was pounding and sweaty teens were dancing on the make shift dance floor in what Maya assumes was the living room. The only light in the room coming from the string lights running across one wall so she could barely make out  a few people from their school but most of them looked unfamiliar. 

Noah kept one hand in hers as they push through the large group of people and into the less crowded kitchen where it took her a couple of seconds to adjust to the much brighter lighting. They saw the rest of their group chatting with some people they didn't recognize, everyone with a cup in their hand. 

"OH! Hey!" Riley yelled when she spotted them, hopping off the counter, stumbling over to them and spilling her drink in the process. "I thought you changed your mind!" She says throwing her arms around Maya and giving her a lung full of her beer breath.

"How could we." Maya says wrapping a hand around Riley's waist to keep her from falling over.

"You look so pretty!" she says as she starts playing with Maya's hair. "You always look pretty though." she says burying her face in Maya's neck.

Maya has never been around a drunk Riley before and it turns out Riley is an overly affectionate drunk.

"Thanks..?" She trails off shooting a look at Zay, who was standing in front of them with wide eyes.

"Come meet my friends!" Riley grabs Maya's hand and pulls her along with her making her hand that was clutching Noah's slip. "Guys! This is Maya!" she giggles. "Maya this is Tristan, Avery and Alex." She says pointing to the two guys and girl, the only unfamiliar people with in the group.

"Hey." She waves them with the hand that Riley was not holding onto.

"So you're Maya." Avery, a fairly tall boy with brown eyes and a head full of dark curls, says, his dark eyes looking over her and nodding in approval. She felt Noah step a little closer to her and rolled her eyes  at his behaviour, nudging her elbow into his stomach to push him back. "I like that." he says gesturing to her eyes before flashing her a boyish grin and looking behind her to Noah, he winked at him before walking closer to Tristan and leaning on the counter and Maya looks back in time to see Noah narrow his eyes at the boy.

Fighting Love || Lucas Friar+Maya Hart [Abandoned]Where stories live. Discover now