Chapter 4

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"I said I was sorry!" Maya sighs. "What more do you want from me?" she asks him giving him her best sad eyes.

"I don't think I could ever forgive you for this." He glares at her. "You betrayed me. You betrayed everything we have. I thought we had something special here."

"Please. I didn't me to. It just happened." she pleads.

"Every day for a month?" He says pointing an accusing finger at her.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was lonely and bored and needed something to distract me from everything."

"Is that your excuse?" He asks and she looks into the distance dramatically. "How could you do this to me?" she turns back to him. "And you act like you didn't do it and you have the nerve to lead me on."

Maya walks closer to him and takes his hand in hers. "Tell me how I could make this better. Tell me how we could move past this." she begs him.

"I don't think we can Maya." He pulls his hands out of hers and cross his arms over his chest, turning his nose up at her. 

"Zay, I honestly think you're overreacting." she rolls her eyes at him.

"Me? Overreacting?" He questions being even more dramatic now. "You finished Merlin with out me and you spoiled the end. That's the worst thing you could've done." He shakes his head at her. "I think you need to leave." He points to the door. Maya rolls my eyes at him and returns to her lounging position on the couch.

"This show has been done for like ten years and you already know how it ends." She points out picking up the control to resume the episode. "Just come watch. I promise I won't say anything else."

"You already revealed the most important part of the show! You told me he never finds out!"

She groans at him and hits play while shoving a handful of chips into her mouth mouth. After a few more minutes of protesting he sat next to her, grumpily and they watch a few more episodes with him scowling the entire time.


"Hey, Maya. Are you going  to the party tomorrow?" Smackle asks  during homeroom.

"Isn't tomorrow Wednesday?" she ask her. "And since when do you go to parties?"

"Yes,  it is Wednesday and between the time I wasn't allowed to be your friend and now, Riley attended quite a number of parties and took me along with her."

"Is she going to this one too?"

"Of course she is. It's Alex's party, she has to go."

"Who's Alex?"

"You haven't met Alex?" she asked, seeming confused that Maya didn't know who this 'Alex' person was.

"I haven't." She confirms.

"Riley's friend." she says. "She and Riley started hanging out a few weeks before you guys got into your big fight and when you guys stopped talking she was really there for Riley, helped her through it." she says frowning making Maya wonder what the hell Riley had to be helped through and why was Smackle giving her a look as if she hurt Riley more than Riley hurt her somehow. "They got really close over the last few months too."


"How come this 'Alex' is never around?" She asks confused as to why she has never met her even though her and Riley has been on speaking terms a little over a month now- thanks to Noah.

"I'm not sure." Smackle shrugs. "I don't-" she started to say but our home room teacher walked in at that moment to take attendance and give us the morning announcements. 

Maya tried getting her to continue her sentence but she insisted that we pay attention to what our teacher was saying.


"Do you know an Alex." Maya asks Zay during their free period where they sat next to each other on the wall they usually sat on outside the school. It was the last class of the day and Zay wanted to leave but I told him she had to wait on Noah. He rolled his eyes at that and insisted that Noah can find his way without her but eventually gave up his fight and sat with her.

"Who?" he asks looking away from his phone as she places hers in her bag, no longer getting any entertainment from it.

"Exactly." she exclaims feeling slightly better because someone else was as lost as she was when it came to this mystery girl.

"'Exactly', what?" He asks looking even more confused by her seemingly random outburst.

"You don't know who she is either." she explains. "Smackle told me about her earlier, she's Riley's friend who 'helped' her through our fight." she says not really believing that Riley needed much help.

He groans at Riley's name and rolls his eyes. "Why would I know anything about that girl or who she associates with?" he asks. "In case you forgot, I'm not exactly her biggest fan." He looks back to his phone screen. 

"Yeah, I know. I just find it strange that I've never heard about or met this girl. If she and Riley are so close then why have neither of us met her or heard about her?" she says lightly hitting his arm and taking his phone from him so that he'd focus on her.

"Maybe she doesn't go to our school? Maybe her and Riley aren't as close as Smackle made them out to be. I don't know." he shrugs then holds out his hand. "Give it back." she protests for a second before handing it back huffing in annoyance at him.

"Yeah, maybe." she replies. A few seconds of silence passes between them before she asks, "You heard about the party tomorrow?"

"Isn't tomorrow Wednesday?" he asked confused. 

"That's what I said!" 

"Who has a party in the middle of the week?" he frowns.

"Alex does." she shrugs as the bell rings announcing the end of the school day.

"Hmm." he mumbles jumping off the wall and holding his arms out to help her down.

"'Hmm', what?"

"We should go." he says as we begin walking to the gate where she told Noah to meet them.

"What? Why?" she stops to stare at  him incredulously. 

"To meet Alex of course." He says, looking back at her with a sly grin on his face.

"I don't like that look." she points out but don't disagree with the party idea.





Question of the chapter: What do you think about the whole Alex mystery?

Could've sworn I posted this already??? Wth

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