The New Guy

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I sat at the back of class so that the teacher wouldn't notice me on my phone. I was texting Maddie and the next thing I know some guy is sitting next to me he had his hoodie on so I couldn't see his face. he was quite I guess he was the new kid but he didn't seem to be reckless.

"Mr. Carrillo can you please put your hood down?" The teacher said everyone looked at him but I didn't care enough to look at him. For some aparent reason I heard everyone whisper and some girls were giggling and saying wow, I was confused I looked around to see what was everyone was going crazy about I turned and saw the new guy he was extremely good-looking not like Aaron and Mike but really good-looking he had brown eyes and brown hair his hairstyle was like how the youtubers and viners had it. I then looked away because he was turning to me I covered my mouth with my hands hiding my embarrassment my cheeks turned red I could feel them becoming hot, I felt a tap on my shoulder I got nervous. I turned around and the new guy was looking at me with a smile and my face got more red I guess he noticed.

"Uh...are you ok?" He said even his voice sounded amazing.

"What? Oh yeah um yeah I'm ok" I said with a little chuckle, he chuckled a little too that's the first I've never had a guy that wasn't my friend and looked like this chuckle.

"So what's your name?" He asked with a smile staying on his face. should I really tell him my name? I only just met the guy, would he think my name was weird? Why should I care it's not like this guy would even remember who I am the next day? then again my name wouldn't be hard to forget or me considering that I have a boys name even though I'm a girl, you know what forget it.

"It's Christopher James, but everyone calls me Chris I Know it's a weird name for a girl, but I kind of like that about it" His expression didn't change it was like it was normal to him

"I actually like the point that you're a girl and you have a boys name it reminds me of this guy I met in juvie and his sisters name was Jorge" I chuckled a little.

"So what's your name?" I said with a smile.

"It's Johnathan Carrillo, but my friends call me Jacob" I looked at him with a confused face with a smile.

"How do you get Jacob from Johnathan" I said.

"I don't know they just started calling me that" we laughed a little. I turned a little and saw everyone looking at me and Jacob he hadn't noticed yet until I turned my head back to my phone.

"So would you like to show me around the school sometime?" Jacob said I turned to him and smiled (why so much smiling).

"yeah sure, uh can I see your schedule?" I said.

"Yeah ok," he said taking out a green slip of paper he handed it to me and I looked at it and it turns out that me and Jacob have the same classes. That's cool I guess but if people just stare at us when we're talking like this I will bury myself alive.

"Uh, cool we have the same classes" I said

"Cool" then the bell for first period rang. we were getting our stuff from class Jacob got up before me.

"come on stranger" he said walking out the door with a smile. Stranger? Only Aaron calls me that, does this guy know that's my nickname? Or did he decide to call me that? What if he's my stalker and he's going to try and kill me? Ok I over exaggerated on that last one. why am I think so much about this? Just forget about it. I went out the door of my homeroom Jacob must've went ahead already then I saw Aaron he waved to me with his beautiful smile.

"So I heard you met the new kid" he said walking with me.

"Did word already get out?" I said.

"Yep and everyone thinks you guys the cutest couple ever" he said laughing Wait did he just say couple?

"Couple? what do you mean couple?" I said a bit nervous.

"like boyfriend girlfriend couple" Aaron said.

"But we're not dating" I said.

"well that's not what everyone is saying" he said walking away why is he walking away, I need to know more. what is everyone saying about us? why would they think we were dating? he barely got here why would I date someone I barely know? We aren't even dating UGH!!??!?!? this is going to be a long day. It was lunch I was going to the restroom I wanted to wash my hands because they felt sticky from the pudding that I put on Mikes face, yeah we're weird friends. As I was washing my hands Ashley and her minions came inside.

"Hey Chris" she said with an evil smile I looked through the mirror.

"What do you want?" I said drying my hands and turning to her.

"I want to you to leave Jacob alone, he's mine" she said.

"Really 'cause in math all he wanted was to get away from you," I said with a smile

"shut the hell up" she said as she slapped my face I was mad as soon as she slapped me I put my hand in a fist and punched her in the face causing her to fall. Her dumb minions tried beating me up but as soon as they got near me I punch them in the stomach, and walked out the restroom, it's a good thing my brother taught me how to fight why would I just stand there and do nothing as they beat me up. It was my fourth period I didn't see Jacob. I was called to the office for beating up Ashely and her minions, I got suspended I was ok with it, it's not like I haven't been suspended before. Instead of going home I went to the park I texted Maddie.

Text messages:

Maddie: where are you I don't see you here?

Me: Oh yeah I got suspended

Maddie: Again? who was it this time?

Me: Ashley

Maddie: Understandable, Well I got to go Mr. Morris is coming

Me: Alright bye

End of text message

I took out my sketchbook and looked at my drawings and stopped at the one of the guy and girl what does it mean?

"Chris?" I heard a voice say I turned to see Jacob.

"Jacob what are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing" he said sitting next to me we were sitting one the bench me and Aaron were on in the morning.

"I got suspended for beating up some girls" he looked a little shock but smiled.

"So you have a reckless side in you after all"

"what about you why are you here?"

"I got suspended too for beating up some guys and insulting the teacher"

"On your first day too, that is not a great first impression" I smiled.

"Come on lets go hang out" he said.

I looked at him and said "ok but I'm going to take you to this one place I like."

"Alright then lets go" he said grabbing my hand he hadn't let go of it.

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