Annoying Neighbours

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OK, before I start, please don't yell at me for spelling neighbours with a 'u'. 'Cause really, I don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now, as its currently my birthday.

See these dogs in the picture? Yeah. They are outside like, 24/7/365. Literally. The are really annoying, too!

They bark. They howl. They shit in everyone's yards.

And the owners don't give a damn.

Like, really. Look after your doges! 


This is kind of funny, but whenever the man is cutting their grass, he is always listening to his music. And it's not Nirvana or Rage Against The Machine, but it's Lady Gaga and Ariana (did I spell that right?) Grande. 

Really, dude? And if it's not enough, he belts it out for the whole fucking neighbourhood to hear.

I have some news for you dude, you're never gonna beat the X-Factor. Sorry, not sorry.


So, does anyone else have annoying neighbours? No? Just me? Oh, ok. Well, then.

Make sure to comment and vote! 

Love y'all!


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