Before I get a shit storm in the comments, I would like to tell you that I am by definition a pansexual, I am attracted to any human being regardless of their gender.
Being pansexual isn't just liking every single human being on the planet. It's by definition: "not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity".
This is way harder than you think it would be.
"But you have so many choices!"
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's not how life works.
You see, there are very few people (3%, which is roughly about 9,794,220 out of 300,000,000 people here in the States that are United in America) that are part of the LGBT+ community, so that makes it hard for those who aren't straight to find someone who actually understands and accepts you for who you are and what you like.
Another negative to being a part of the LGBT+ community is that you can develop crushes on your straight friends and never be able to tell them. (which just kills you inside to know that they are never going to like you back)
It also gets awkward when you are having a sleepover with one of your friends and your parents think that you are up to no good, which is really offensive to me because (1) they're my friends and (2) that's just not cool, man.
There is also the bullying and teasing that comes with being LGBT+. This leads to all kinds of problems, mainly depression and social anxiety. These can lead to things like self harm and suicide, which is never a good thing.
There are also some positives to counter the negatives, though. It's nice to know that there is a whole group of people out there that understand what you are going through and experiencing, and maybe they're going through the same things you are. You never know.
In my opinion, being LGBT+ gives you less of an opportunity to find love, because there is only a small percentage of the human population that aren't straight.
((Bisexual cameo: So, bisexual is like pansexual, but less fancy. So, like, the free version of a pay-to-play app. Except cooler. Because bisexuals are cool. But you know what isn't? Biphobia, and you know who's biphobic? Not just straight people, no, gay people as well. Isn't that messed up? Why would somebody in the LGBTQ community wish to exclude a member of their own acronym? I hear this a lot, if a bisexual person dates or marries somebody of the opposite gender, they're not part of the community and they are "disgusting human beings". Thanks, Tumblr, for that gem of a quote. Anyways, I find this quite disturbing. If we don't belong in the community that was partially named after us, where do we belong? Do you expect us to go crawling back to the straight people who excluded us in the first place? And another thing! Asexuals who marry somebody of the opposite gender are a part of the community too, but that's not my place, as I'm not asexual. But still, we try so hard to be treated equally, yet we don't treat our own members equally? Maybe that's part of the reason people don't take us seriously. ))
A rant from a friend ^^
"Until next time guys, gals, and nonbinary pals. PEACE OUT"
~Thomas Sanders
RandomRead to hear my life problems! Maybe not the most interesting thing in the world, tho..