Prologue - New World

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In the Chat Room... (A/N: The Undertale crew were at the Studio 9)

Flowey: *glaring at Sans*

Sans: What are you looking at?

Flowey: Your girl.

Sans: *hugs Frisk protectively* Don't touch her or I'll give you a bad time.

Flowey: *hiss*

Asriel: Sheesh, you're such a stubborn, Flowey.

Flowey: Do you want to be a Flowey again?

Toriel: *summoning her fire magic* Leave my son alone.

Me: Hold on, I got an idea. *picks up Flowey*

Flowey: Hey, what are you doing?!

Me: You're staying here. *places him in a baby cage*


Me: Well, stay there until you learn your lesson.

Sans: *sticks his tongue at him*

Flowey: It's killed or be killed, Sans.


What's up Buddies! I have the Prologue chapter to begin with and it will take a while for me to plan a new style of how the gang goes. I've seen some comic and images of something called 'Uppertale' or whatever it is. But for me, I would do something about like living their homes and new mysterious happening. Also, if you guys want to learn some rumors or mysterious in the game, then I would use that to this story. Well, enough chats and let's begin. I hope you enjoy this~ 


Frisk's P.O.V

I was snuggling myself in my sleep, I was very tired from what happened last night. Last night, I ran away from the shelter because I was worried about the relationship between me and him. It's been a few months and we still like each other but what's more than to it? Of course, he understands what I'm feeling and assured me that he doesn't have romantic feelings towards another woman such as my dear goat mum, Toriel. And then, he confess me that he truly loves me with all his heart which made me so happy to hear it that I hugged him. But that's not the only thing he said, he also confess me with the only question that nearly had me into tears... 

'So, Frisk... will you be my girlfriend?'

I have to admit, yes. Of course I would be his girlfriend, because my friends and also his; saw us in the woods because they were searching for us and found us when we share a kiss together. They awed at us and we both blushed really hard. And with Toriel, she was about to get mad or questioned about something, but that was thrown aside because she knew she saw this coming. She was glad that I had someone that I love and someone that he loves and told us that we can have a great time together as long as I'm safe.

I heard birds tweeting outside of the cave, signalling as morning. I slowly open my eyes and let out a big yawn before stretching myself to loosen up my stiff muscles. I shivered a bit due to the temperature outside, it was a cold morning though. I turned to look up at my boyfriend who had his  arms around me and snuggles me into his jacket a lot... Sans. I giggled softly at how cute his face look when he sleeps. I turned around to see my friends still sleeping; Papyrus was sleeping by the rocks snoring, Undyne and Alphys were sleeping together like a cute couple, and finally the family of Dreemurrs: Asgore, Toriel and Asriel. I was so happy to have him with us because I will upset to leave him in the Undergrounds where he'll become Flowey again. 

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now