Chapter 6 - Discoveries

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In the Chat Room...

Undyne: Hey Azure, you've done the chapter yet? Your friends are probably waiting for ya.

Me: *walks out with a completed chapter* Yep, and it's... finished.

Toriel: Oh dear, looks like you worked so hard on that...

Asgore: She's right, you need to rest.

Me: I can't... Not unless I have determination in my soul, I'm not going to give up that easily.

Frisk: That's the spirit!


Me: Well thanks, I guess. *hands over* Here, feel free to read it...

Asriel: Okay, I'll read first. *starts reading*


What's up Buddies! I have yet another chapter update. It took me a while to come up with a new title and ideas. Also, I was extremely busy editing the other chapters in one of my books, so I wasted my time on not writing a new one. Lately, I was reading some other books that you guys have updated, I must say, very impressive. All of you keep up the good work and make your friends happy with your narrative stories. Well now, let's into this chapter, shall we? I hope you enjoy this~


Third Person P.O.V

After the movie was over, Alphys turned the TV off with the remote and stood up before making her way to the kitchen area and pouring herself a glass of water from the sink. She gulped it down and set the glass aside before turning to the gang. Her eyes went over to Sans who looked back at her.

"H-hey, Sans, c-could you come with m-me for a m-minute?" She asked.

"Sure." He nodded, and stood up before approaching her, "What's up?"

"There's something I want you to see... come to the lab." She gestured at the elevator. He nodded and followed her. He turned around to Frisk who tilted her head in confusion and a little sad that he's going with Alphys for something important.

"Don't worry Frisk, Alphys wants to talk about something important with me, so it wouldn't take too long, I promise."

"Oh, okay." She replied.

Sans's P.O.V

I went into the elevator and stood beside Alphys when she pressed the button that leads to Floor B1, which is the basement. The doors closed up and began to move downwards. It doesn't take long until the doors were opened again to reveal the laboratory. There's paper scattered around the floor and chemistry on every table with test tubes and beakers with coloured liquids of chemicals. 

"Sans, it's been a while since you worked as a co-worker." Alphys stated, as she went over to the shelves with books, boxes and other documents in store. "Do you remember... a-anything?"

"As far as I remembered, I quit the job and work at the sentry station." I recalled.

"Well, d-do you remember this p-photo?" She pulled out an old photo from the folder and handed to me. In the photo was a group of scientists, about five of them, and the two were me and Alphys.

"Oh yeah, I remember this." I remembered, admiring the photo a bit, "It's been a very long time since we worked as scientists to do whatever experiment we can." My pupils wandered over until I noticed a white fade on the photo. "Wait, why's the photo fade out the head part of the guy that was standing behind all of us?"

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now