Chapter 20 - One Last Time (NSFW)

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In the Living Room...

Frisk: *eating Oreos* So what are you planning now?

Me: I don't know exactly... *leaning back and sighing* Say, have you guys seen Asriel anywhere?

Undyne: He's going with his parents.

Me: Oh yeah, right... ( ._.)

Sans: Why are you askin' him?

Me: He owns me 'Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy' game after I wrote this chapter.

Frisk: *gasp* Crash Bandicoot? I love that game!

Me: Really? Wow, looks like I got a fan.

Asriel: *door opens* I'm back, and I got your game, Azure.

Me: SSSSweeet!!

What's up Buddies! Sorry I didn't write another chapter because I was at the funeral. My dad died for not eating food or take his medication a few days ago. It was so sad that I cried all night, sick to the stomach. I tried to stay determined but yet, my heart falters from unable to remain strong. Yet, I have to stop writing for a few days before going back into writing again. Much as I hate keeping promises, my dad request to me to look after his family while he was gone. And then, I did it for him. So, here's a chapter I wrote for you guys, I hope you enjoy this~

(WARNING: This contains sexual contents and strong language. If you are under 18, don't read or skip this chapter IMMEDIATELY!)


Frisk's P.O.V

After Sans and I had dinner with the Dreemurrs, we got our things and left the house. We walked through the night, enjoying feeling the cool breeze blowing my hair making them sway in the wind and looking up at the stars in the night sky. But our enjoyment was cut off when we heard an explosion not far from where we are.

"What the heck was that?" Sans asked.

I perked up and pointed at the black smoke in the air, "Look! There must be a fire!"

"Let's go." He said, grabbing my hand and teleport us over to where the smoke was and when we arrived, our eyes widened with surprise and horror.

There were two fire engines with firefighters holding their fire hoses and shooting out jets of water to put out the fire. We ran over to one of the firefighters which is a blue iguana with red reptilian eyes.

"Excuse me, sir. What's going on here?" I asked.

"Ah, Miss Frisk." The firefighter greeted before answering my question, "We have received a report from one of the locals saying that the house was set on fire two hours ago and apparently we have no suspect involving this incident."

"River, I think I found the victim." Another fighter said, coming back from the fire holding something in his hands. I heard Sans gasped. In the firefighter's hands was a burnt black trenchcoat that can only be wore by one person.

"T-That's my dad..." He whispered, his hands softly touched the trenchcoat. I can see the magic blue tears forming around the edge of his eyesockets. "No... no... no, no, no, no! No! NO!" He roared, tearing the trenchcoat from the firefighter's hands and embraced it tightly, dropped down to his knees and cried in the trenchcoat. I crouched down next to him and hugged him in comfort. I can feel my eyes sting due to how painful it is to see Sans cry and the death of someone that's a father-figure to us. I felt a strong embrace and noticed that Sans wrapped around his arm around my back and pulled me closer like I was his only family member to him, just like Papyrus.

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now