Chapter 4

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Raelyn's P.O.V.

     I woke up the next morning with no one other than Josh occupying my head. His image was burned into my mind. They was his blond hair fell across his forehead, the cute smile that was always on his face. But most of all, his breath-taking blue eyes that could make you feel warm and tingly inside.

     "Rae! Rae! Rae! Come on we are going to be late! School starts soon!" Kelsey said as she barged into my room. I look over to my alarm clock. 7:32! I hop out of bed knowing that if I arrive late to school, it will result in a detention, and I can't get detention! I have to skate after school! I run into the bathroom and quickly got ready.

"Why didn'th you wake me up thooner?" I asked Kelsey as I started brushing my teeth.

"I didn't wake up until I heard the garbage truck outside! I ran in here as soon as I could!" She said, I was now just realizing she was still in her pajamas.

"Well hurry and go get dressed! Ava will be over in ten minutes!" I told her as I wiggled into a pair of jeans, threw on a hoodie, put my hair in a frantic bun, and grabbed my glasses since I didn't have time to put my contacts in. I grabbed my phone and raced to Kelsey's room. Luckily, she picked out some clothes that matched. I brushed her hair and put it in a pony tail. I then picked her up and rushed downstairs. I gave her some shoes and had her put them on.

"I'm hungry!" Whined Kelsey as I put mine on. Crap, I forgot breakfast.

"We will just have to eat some fruit loops in the car." I said. I ran to the kitchen and put some cereal in a bag. I then bolted back to the living room grabbed Kelsey and flew out the door. I buckled Kelsey in her car seat and then jumped in the car myself.

After we dropped off Isaac and Kelsey, Ava drove us to Starbucks and got us both a drink. We then headed to school. When we parked I got out and then headed towards the building. I took about five steps and the realized that Ava wasn't behind me. I turned around and found her still in the drivers seat, staring off into space with a saddened look on her face.

"Ava, are you coming?" I asked her, I was a bit worried because she has never been like this before. She doesn't usually seem so sad and depressed, she barely spoke to me in the car too.

"Yeah, just give me a minute." She replied through a heavy sigh.

"Are you okay, Ave?"

"Yeah, I just need a minute, go on in without me." She said. I wanted to comfort her but I knew she didn't want talk about it, so I reluctantly walk on to the front of the school. I made a mental note to ask her about that later.

I walk to class with spare time so I took out my book and started reading it, unfortunately one of the meanest girls decided to walk into class just then. Megan. Uhhg, she drives me nuts! she is such a jerk. She thinks the whole world revolves around her, which it basically does when your at school. All the guys throw themselves at her and she just plays them off one by one! Its disgusting!

"Well, if it isn't nerd number two. I already saw your stupid friend earlier, she is pathetic. You two are such losers, and you are even playing the part with those stupid glasses of yours." She spat.

"First of all, her name is Ava. Secondly, she is not pathetic, she happens to be one of the smartest people of all with her IQ higher than the number of guys you have played, which I never thought would be possible considering how 'active' you are. So if I were you I would shut your mouth before you dig yourself a deeper grave." I said seething. She seemed shocked at first but quickly tried to contain it. I was so ticked off, I could almost feel the steam coming out of my ears.

"Well at least I don't need those idiotic glasses of yours to see." She retaliated. That was the final straw. I had had enough of her.

"You know what, Megan? I thing that the only reason you like to pick on Ava and I is because we are something you will never be. We are smart, and your jealous of what we can do. You pick on us because you are too weak to actually become something, so you surround yourself with popular people and just eat away at others. Its sick. Why can't you just realize that your crap that you give us will make its way back around to you and you will have nobody to be there for you. You are just pushing everyone away and in the end you will be lonely and cease to exist! You better figure life out now or you life ahead will be a living hell, and you won't have anyone to blame it on but yourself!" I shouted at her.

"Well, there is no need to be so emotional, Raelyn." She giggled and smiled. I then realized my mistake, she wanted me to get angry at her. She wanted my reaction. She wanted to get under my skin, and I just let her in. I just took a deep breath and went back to my book until class started. When class finally started however, Megan would flirt with Josh while the teacher wasn't looking.

"Well Josh, how is hockey going?" Megan said in a flirty girly-girl voice.

"Umm...good?" He replied quickly and quietly. I could feel my face grow hot with rage.

"Well when is your next game so I can come and cheer you on. Maybe we can even grab dinner or something afterwords." She asked with a seductive voice. My face was growing even more tomato red.

"We don't know. Plus you wouldn't want to hang around with me or any of the boys for that matter after the game, we are all sweaty and exhausted, and I always have homework to do too." He replied with no signs of giving into her plans. That part made me smile.

     "Well we should go out sometime." She said while touching his shoulder, trying to crack him open. I almost choked on my coffee.

     "Um, well, I kinda have my eyes on another girl." He said shyly. I did start choking that time. "Rae, are you okay?" Josh said with concern while I was coughing. I was finally able to contain it and stop after a minuet or so.

     "Yeah, I am good." I replied weakly still coughing occasionally.

     "Well, whatever, when you finally get over your little crush on that other girl, I'll be waiting right here for you." Said Megan who completely ignored me and then walked to her seat.

     "Man, the nerve of that girl!" Josh said to me shaking his head. I just nodded in response. "She is a nuisance that won't ever go away." He laughed, I only smiled slightly at the joke. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked me. I refused to look in his eyes because I knew my heart would break. He liked someone else, someone who wasn't me. I never thought he would like me, but now that he has voiced it, I have lost all hope.

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