Chapter 2

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    Raelyn's P.O.V

     My alarm was blaring, as I woke up and proceeded to fall off the bed, startled. I laid on the floor for a while , dreading the day ahead. I hated school. Everyone was labeled like a t-shirt with a tag. If you were smart, like Ava and I, you were losers and nerds. If you were athletic, you were a try-hard. If you didn't have the best grades, you were stupid. If you didn't do extra curricular activities, you were lazy. If you were sleeping in class, you were a slacker. If you had an acne breakout the night before, you were a freak. Why can't we all get along and not judge other people based on dumb things? They only people who actually gained something we the popular kids. They always dressed to impress, and pretended that they were better than everyone else. They always made us feel worse about ourselves.

      After my mental rant, I got up and went to my window. I saw Ava getting out of bed and then slipping on some clothes. 'Looks like she isn't looking forward to today either.' I thought. I went to shower and wash my face. I brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I walked over and put on my faded skinny jeans with my black tank top and cream cover up. I put on my earrings and bracelets, put my hair into a messy bun, and put on minimal makeup. I grabbed my phone and boots, and then went down stairs. I ate and apple and put some bread in the toaster. My little sister Kelsey, came bounding down the stairs in two braids and a pink skirt.

     "Good morning." I smiled at her. She skipped over to me and put her arms around my waist.

     "Good morning sissy." she giggled. She was barely three but she was super smart and had a big vocabulary.

     "Are you ready for school, cutie?" I asked her as i picked her up and hugged her.  

     "No, I hate school, it's so boring. I already know everything. I wish I could go to school with you!" she pouted. I just laughed.

     "You do not want to go to school with me. It's hard and there are a lot of mean people. It's not as fun as it may seem." I giggled.

     "Well at least I would get to be with you!" She said and then hugged me again.

     "Trust me, you would get tired of me really quick." I said to her. I set her back down and grabbed my toast and gave Kelsey a yogurt. Mom was still in bed, because she had work from nine to twelve last night. Dad was already gone and on his was to New York for a business meeting, so it was my responsibility to get Kelsey to and from school.

     We quickly ate breakfast and went to my car. I buckled Kelsey into her car seat, and we drove over to Ava's house. She was sitting on the porch listening to music. I honked the horn, and she fell off the front step. I stifled a laughed as she got back up and walked to the car.

     "That's the second time in the last twenty minuets." I smirked. She glared.

     "Damn, you saw that?" She said with color rushing to her face.

      "Yep." I smiled, and with that I put on my sunglasses and drove to the pre-school, and Kelsey faintly singing her ABC's in he back.

     When I walked inside the little building, it was instant chaos. Everyone was running around screaming with their parents hurrying after them. Isaac, Ava's little brother, happened to be among the little monsters. When he saw Kelsey, he made his way over with his father not far behind.

     "Hey Kelsey! You want to go finger paint with me?" he said. These two were best friends and I could tell that when they got older they would probably end up dating. 

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