I'm... Thirsty?

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I wake up, August 12, my birthday. And I imeadiately crawl out my window and into the nearby woods, following a shadow wolf, I like to think of him as my shadow wolf. We stop at the normal clearing, and Nightshade, my wolf, comes out of his shadow form.

"Thank you friend." A male voice whispers, I don't recognize it, but I swear I've heard it before.

"Who's there?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

"No need to be frightened. Your little wolf trusts me, and I think we can say he is a good judge of character."

"Nightshade?" I question, crouching in front of him. He gives a wolfish grin. "Ok, I trust Nightshade, so I guess I can trust you. Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter. All that does is that you resist the thirst. Just wait, ok?"


"I need a good awnser..." he mutters something under his breath. "Sorry, but what's your name?"

"Ember. And Ok."

"Thanks. I'll tell you when, alright?"


"Ember you stupid girl! Get over here and do your chores!" Lisa, the owner of the orphanage yells.

"I've got to go, sorry." I start running back as Nightshade shadow forms and follows after me. Behind me I hear a growl, definitely not from Nightshade. Um, what was that?

"Ember! Get over here now!" Lisa calls again.

"Here I am Lisa. I'll start my chores now."

And my normal day begins. I hurry to do my chores, trying to avoid others as much as possible. The 'thirst' as Nightshade's friend called it, is like a craving, for one thing. Blood. And its getting stonger.

"Hey freak, see any shadows to talk to lately?" I'm interupted fom my thoughts by a cruel voice and a punch. "No freakish senses any more? Did the poor freak lose her freakiness?" I hate her so bad.

Before I get punched again, I speed behind them, using m my inhuman speed for once.

"Sorry, no. I just couldn't smell you through all that make up and perfume." With that I'm gone, up to my room where I'm not tempted anymore.
I normally don't use my abilities that freely, prefering to hide them away and stay in the shadows. I showed them off once, and I get a fight with Luiciana everyday, normally ending with me beat up and her laughing. I would win, but I don't like showing off. Comebacks however, just my style.

****January 1****

I pull on my simple white dress, Nightshade bounding around and acting all excited, like he has all day. The rest of the girls all line up for a last minute look over, and speech.

Lisa walks up. "Everyone knows the rules. Plain whie dress, bare feet, hair brushed and left to hang, no makeup perfume or beauty products."

All the girls nod. "And remember, the Shadow Guard might be there to select the new Queen, so your best behavior now girls. The boys are watching too..." she trails off and winks. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I don't feel like getting slapped, even though it will heal super fast.

We all set off towards this city's Claiming stadium, girls joining us as they leave their houses, many for the last time. When we arrive we are all stuffed into a room, some of the boys chuckling.

Their ceremony is tomorrow.

We are all called out randomly, no order whatsoever. Its supposed to show that we are all equal, no one higher that the other.

When it comes to my turn I walk out, suddenly not nervous. A shadow formed Nightshade bounding next to me. Before anyone can place a bid the sound of horses galloping echos around the open air stadium. My perfect night vision is not needed to see the 12 horses and riders leaving shadow form as thy gallop towards the raised platfom at the center of the stadium. And me. The whole stadium is well lit.

The shadow guard. Everything becomes silent as the Guards swing off their still galloping shadow horses. The horses dissapear in a swirl of mist, shadow foming and stop. The members of the guard line up in a row, only the captian doesn't. Instead he pulls out a crystal goblet.

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