If I said goodbye

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If I said goodbye Today would you miss me. Would you miss me? If I got up and left the picture would you still take it? If walked away would you miss me at all? Would you notice that I'm gone? When I wasn't there? You haven't seen me you don't know me. I'm gone from sight.
Running away from goodbye.
If I said goodbye without a warning would you care at all?

The melody is gone. The melody is over.

People tell me to stop singing and to end the song. I don't want to end the song here wait until it's long. I don't want to end the melody I don't want to stop the chorus. But everyone around me is telling to pause and throw it all away.

I want to sing the melody I don't want to say goodbye. Just one more note. One more lyric to go bye. I don't want to say good bye. I don't want to say goodbye.

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