Part 12

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I smile, this guy is awesome.

I watch Mark look around, for what? I have no idea. I grab the shirt I liked just as Mark told me to do. Then started walking around the store. Pants might be a good idea. I walk further into the store not as far as Mark though. I look on the shelf connected to the left wall. Mostly shirts. I walk by the wall as I reach the back of the store. Aha! Pants. What kind? The cheep kind hopefully. I search for a price, and maybe a sale tag. Above the bunches of pants was a sign that said 35% off. It's no 50% but it will have to do for now. I look at the pants. Jeans, colourful jeans, ripped jeans, is everything here jeans? That's not bad but it is a bit weird. I grab one of each kind of jeans in my size. I'm not getting all of them, but I will try them on to find out which looks best. None of them are going to make you look good, you can't even do that yourself. I frown and look for Mark. Mark was in the back of the store like me, but on the opposite side. I walked to him, he looked up from a belt he was holding.

"Hey Mark," I didn't look at Mark, only around him. "I'm gonna go try these things on. I'm not getting them all, just one."

"Ok Y/n." I looked at Mark. "But you probably need more then one pair on pants, so you could get more." He lightly smiles.

"I don't even know if they'll look good." I looked around for the changing room.

"I can be the judge if you want." Mark laughed.

"Sure." I mumble as I find the changing room. I start walking towards it. "If you'd like to I mean."

"I don't mind." I heard Mark behind me.

"Okay." I say as I walk into the changing room. Mark sat down on the chair outside. The one meant for bored boyfriends as there girlfriends changed for hours. I set the clothes in I pile on the bench that connected to the wall. Should I try on the shirt first? I grabbed the shirt, why not? I take off my own and pull the new shirt over my head, then flatten it on my stomach. You can't flatten fabric on something that isn't flat. I look in the mirror. It's just a shirt, it doesn't make me look good or bad. Nothing makes you look good. I start to take off the shirt, oh yeah Mark. I pull the shirt back over my belly and open the change room door and see Mark looking at the other part of the store. "This is the shirt." I say to get Mark's attention. Mark turns to me, he smiles.

"Looks nice." He replies. I give a small smile and close the door again. I look back in the mirror. It dose make me look good. Now time for the pants. I grab the first pair, the ripped jeans. I take off my own and put on the ripped jeans. I look in the mirror they look decent. Your legs look like play dough coming out of a machine. These don't look good, well I'm still going to show Mark. I open the door again. Mark looks over to me. "You should get those." His face was completely serious. I looked down confused.

"You like them?" I ask.

"On you." He replies, then realized what he just said. "I mean they look good on you." He clarifies. I nod and close the changing room door. I guess I'll get them, they don't look that bad. I look in the mirror again, they actually look good on me. I take them off and reach for the next article of clothing without looking. I quickly put on the pants then realize there not pants. I look in the mirror, shorts? Did I grab shorts? I button them up and look in the mirror again. They actually don't look bad on me. I wonder what Mark thinks though. I open the changing room door and Mark turns my way.

"What do you think?" I look down at my legs. Mark doesn't say anything, I look at him. He was just staring... I looked horrible... Ugly... Why'd I wear these. I quickly slammed and locked the changing room door. I looked in the mirror again, what was I thinking? I look even more monstrous then before. I quickly sat on the bench and pulled my knees up to my chest. My eyes started to water, great.

"Y/n what's wrong?" I could hear Mark knock on the door.

"Sorry." I sniffled.

"For what?" Mark asked as if he didn't know.

"Wearing these shorts was a mistake, I don't look good in them, they make me look worse then I do." How can the ugliest thing look worse?

"Y/n what are you talking about? They make you look good." Mark reassures me.

"Then why were you staring?" I ask loudly.

"Y/n I didn't mean to stare. And it wasn't because you were ugly, it was because you were even more stunning. I didn't even know that was possible." Mark whispered the last part. But I heard it. How can he call me stunning? I'm not stunning I'm... Why'd he call me stunning? "Y/n can you open the door?" Mark knocked his hand against the door as he asked that.

"Yeah..." I mumbled as I stood up and reached my hand to the door handle. I unlocked it then cracked it a bit. "Why'd you want me to open it?" I asked looking at him.

"I didn't want to go another hour without seeing you." He smiled, I smiled back. I opened the door completely and hugged Mark. After a couple seconds he hugged back. "Is this because you're scared?"

"No." I reply. "I just wanted to hug you."


Another chapter another dollar... I wish... Anyway!!! Vote if you liked it, and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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