Round Two

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A whistle blew sharply, signifying that it was time to reset the game and play the other team. Ymir and I jogged back to the base and helped replaced all of the equipment.

Mikasa stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "(Y/N), come here."

I nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Mikasa took me out of earshot from everyone. She looked me blankly in the eyes whilst adjusting her scarf.

"Are you and Erwin together?" She asked, the smallest of smirks pulling at her lips.

I blushed and looked down, shaking my head.

"Then why did he kiss you?" She raised an eyebrow and looked back at the boys' base where team one was switching with team two.

I gasped slightly and looked up, strands of my (H/C) being blown across my face. "H-How do you know that?!"

"I do my job as a spy pretty well." She smirked and patted the top of my head.

"And I don't why he did that, okay? But no-one is to find out." I ordered her, even if she was considerably taller than me.

Just Mikasa was about to return to base, she gave me an apologetic look.

"I don't think that would matter. Levi already saw you."

Before I could react, the whistle blew again.

The person who I love, and who loved me back, had seen another person kiss me.

"Hey, (Y/N)? We have to go an attack now." Ymir shook my arm. I blinked myself back into reality and nodded hastily.

"Guys! I heard the positions from the other teams too." Mikasa told us all. We all stopped what we were doing and looked at her. She shrugged. "I'm a spy, I have to find out information. Anyway, Armin is the spy. Marco and Sinichi are guarding the base-" I gave a look to Ymir and mouthed 'now you attack him' "-and Levi and Rin are the attackers. Got it? Let's go!"

Ymir and I ran off and hid in two nearby trees. They were quite far away from each other, but close enough to see given hand signals.

I told Ymir to move forward and I would stay close behind her. She turned around and shouted, making me face palm.

"I'll go and get Shinichi! This time, for real!"

I nodded vigorously to try and get her to shut up. She jumped into the branch of another tree and made her way closer to the base.

As I lost sight of her, I heard the branches and the leaves behind me rustle. When I was about to turn around I felt a hand clamp around my mouth as another was placed on my hip.

"You've been a bad little brat, haven't you?" Levi whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes and tried to remove his hand. He slowly took his hand away and I turned to look at him.

"W-What did I do?" I tried to play stupid, but he just pulled me by the waist towards him.

"Don't act as if nothing happened." He growled quietly. I felt a blush arise to my cheeks as I noticed how close we were. "Why did you kiss Erwin?"

I went even redder and looked down, only for him to tilt my head up with his hand cupped on my cheek.

"I-I didn't kiss him... he k-kissed me." I told him.

"Well you didn't push him away." Levi narrowed his eyes slightly at me. I was about to stutter out an answer but Levi tightened his grip on my waist. "I said you're mine."

He bent down to connect our lips hungrily. I blushed as much as humanely possible when I felt his hand slip under my P.E top and caress my bare back. I gasped a little, allowing room for Levi to slip his tongue in my mouth and roam around.

I involuntarily moaned quietly, but that was enough to set him off further. His kiss became deeper as he pressed me up against a thick branch.

"(Y/N), you won't let him touch you again, will you?" He whispered huskily into my ear. I felt goosebumps crawl all over my skin and I caught my breath.

I forgot to answer, and then I instantly knew I had made a mistake. He bit down harshly into my ear lobe as his hot breath hit my cheek.

"Will you?" He tried again. I found myself slowly shaking my head and biting my lip. My eyes closed as I felt him take me in for another kiss. He grazed his teeth over my bottom lip and quickly swiped his tongue across. I thought it was best not to tease him and so I let him in.

Once again, he touched every place in my mouth as if he was hoping to find something. His other hand went up my shirt and they both rested on my hips as he leant in ever so slightly.

"Moan for me." He ordered. I didn't try to hold back and so all of the noises came out whenever he touched me. He moved down to my neck to find my sweet spot. When he found it, my hands moved to his back and gripped his shirt, rather than holding into the branch behind me. He bit down hard on the spot and drew blood. Licking it all away, he pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "You are absolutely beautiful."

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now