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I held my breath and looked at all of them one by one, hoping they would change the subject.

"Come on, Brat. We don't have all night." Levi muttered as he rubbed a tired eye.

Levi held a special place in my heart, and yet all of the scolding and stoic behaviour, which I had fallen for, was beginning to get in my nerves.

I became conscious of the arm around me from Jean. I looked up at him and placed a hand over his. "Jean... I'm sorry..."

Jean scoffed quietly. "I knew I shouldn't have tried." His words held sadness.

I watched him turn and leave, knowing, and hoping, that I had done the right thing to not choose him. I mean, I should choose out of love, not sympathy.

I bit my lip as the broken door clicked shut behind me.

Erwin folded his arms behind his back and looked at me. "Now then," He said as he cleared his throat. "the Gentleman, or the Captain?"

I tilted my head and looked at them both. I slowly folded my legs beneath me and sat on the floor, ignoring the dirt and small bruises on my legs. As I sat down, a placed a hand under my chin and thought.

My mind kept on directing itself back to Erwin, no matter what I thought. As I looked up at them, I could see the hope slowly draining from Levi's eyes, even if his expression remained as stoic as ever.

"I... I love Erwin." I whispered as I hid my face in my hands. Everything was silent until footsteps tapped away on the concrete.

I closed my eyes harder and waited for the next set of footsteps as they walked far away, but they never came.

"(Y/N), look at me." Erwin said in a commanding but kind tone. I hesitated before peeking through my fingers at him. His stern look quickly changed into a heart warming smile. "Do you know what I like about you?" He asked.

I blushed subtly and shook my head. Erwin began to take painfully slow steps towards me, keeping his crystal orbs glued on me the whole time.

"I like your innocence, your purity, your way of thinking."

I scoffed quietly and brought my hands down onto my lap. "What, do you mean the innocence you stole?"

He chuckled and got onto one knee, his fingertips gently brushing over my lips. "No. I love the way that you feel the need to make everyone happy and obey everyone."

"...Am I meant to make people sad?!" I asked, slightly shocked at the thought of him suggesting that.

"No, of course not." He smiled again and leant in to my lips, but only close enough so that our lips were barely touching. "I just want you to obey me only."

One last feel of his hot breath tingling my lips and cheeks made me lean forward and kiss him gently. I put my hand on his knee as his hand lay calmly on my thigh. After a breathless minute, we broke away and just looked into eachother's eyes.

"You know, I don't even know what happened between you and Levi in the kitchen, but I could tell you were upset." Erwin's mouth flickers down for a brief moment before he swivels around so his back faces me. "Come on."

I smile and climb on his back. I hug his neck and smile, only just realising he was in his sleepwear, consisting of a white t-shirt, black jogging trousers and his survey corps jacket.

As he stood up and began to walk, I slowly drifted to sleep. "I really do love you, Erwin."

"I love you twice as much, my dear (Y/N)." He whispered, knowing that I had fallen asleep.

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now