This Can't Be...

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Time went by, and I wasn't sure how many days had passed. All I knew was that it's was one too many.

Pain had overtaken my body on a few occasions as well as fevers but those eventually gone away after sometime. The man that had kept me here in what I can only assume to be his basement, has made sure to only show up on a few occasions to deliver food.

There was an odd feeling to everything. My gut twisted in an uncomfortable way every waking moment I had. There was also the fact that pieces of my memory have been coming up blank and only fuzzy thoughts that I can't interpret is coming up.

Why is that?

Environmental changes? Stress?

I let out a loud sigh.

Had to definitely be everything.


Warning: There is sexual and adult content in the following. This part will include rape, so please skip ahead if you do not wish to read it. You've been warn.

My eyes shot open with a gasp.

Immediately, the air within my lungs left me and I was left to silently cry out. A shiver ran up my spine before I felt an odd tense in my muscles.

There was a guttural low growl before something tightly gripped my hips.

With wide eyes, I met the gaze of my captor who was over me.

H-He's naked! Why is he naked–

I glanced to my own body to see I was naked as well.

I was naked too! And–

A strangled cry escaped my mouth and immediately my attention was on what he was doing to my body.


Tears sprang to my eyes as I saw the appendage that was attached to his pelvis and entering my nether region, between my thighs.

With a choked up gasp, my body arched and I tried so hard to move away from this!

No! My arms were restrained to the headboard.

Horrible noises filled my ears, mixed with the grunts my captor released and my cries of horror.

"Stop!" There was an odd silent cry that came from my very mouth, "I-I don't like this! Please, g-get off of me. I promise that I will–"

Something was shoved into my mouth. My cries of protest became muffled.

No. Please, let this be a dream. Please, dear god! Let me wake up from this horrible nightmare– I swear! I swear I-I-I will do more in my life. I will change it! So please, please let this not be real.

My head throbbed in pain at the continuous tears that began to escape despite how hard I tried to squeeze my eyes shut. The bed creaked and shook under me. My cries mingled with the disgusting sounds and suffocated me until everything went blank.

I didn't know what was real or not.

I felt numb, both mentally, physically, and emotionally– almost void. There was a thick scent in the air, smelling of sweat and of musk. My throat was dry and felt raw from all of my crying. Tears poured down my heated face in silent cries, while I drowned in the humid air, feeling the disgusting thing that leaked from... Down there.

That was the only thing I could feel. The only thing he left behind after he finished.

I left out another silent cry.

As I was engulfed in the silence that only continued to torment me, I heard a knock.

I released a whimper.

Please, please, dear god– let me wake up. Let this all just be a really bad nightmare! ...I'm really scared... Please, let me wake up.

I squeezed my swollen eyes shut and silently prayed. Prayed to the god that I so hope, would grant me this.

There was a soft brush on my bare shoulder. A shudder followed after, my eyes snapping open in complete horror.

No! No! Please no!

I quickly screwed my eyes shut.

"...Soon." There was another stroke, this time on my bare back. I felt the goosebumps that grew on my skin.

His retreating footsteps were the only thing that filled the silence, then the door. When a raspy sob, I buried myself into the covers.


A/N: I'm sooooooo sorry for the late, and also short, update. Literally, I've been procrastinating so badly and I've been reading all your comments –which I must say, they always motivate me to update! Thanks guys!– put I promise to update a lot!

I hope you enjoy!

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