Chapter 3

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As I shuffled down the stairs I noticed Jason waiting by the door.

"How come you're still here?" I asked, glancing at the clock above the fireplace.

"I'm taking you to school."

"No need, I'll walk." I said as I stepped forward to exit out the door when Jason blocked the way with his arm, "Get out of my way. I'm going to be late."

He smirked, "Well then, let me take you to school."

"Fine, just this one time. Next time i'm walking." I replied as I was tired of arguing with him.

There was an awkward silence between us, so I turned up the music and rested my head against the window. As I saw my school aproaching I unfastened my seatbelt in advance. I was wearing the same outfit as the day before because it was the only thing I could find clean enough to wear.

"See you later, cutie." Jason smirked. He was leaning against the car with one hand in his pocket and the other giving me a two finger wave.

As I closed the car door I glared at him before walking towards the school ignoring the other students who were staring as I walked past.

I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up before my English class, seeing as I didn't have a chance to look in a mirror this morning. The cool water splashed against my face, refreshing me. I searched around for something to dry off with but I had to settle with my sleeve. As I reached towards the door handle in stormed a group of girls. I recognised the girl in the front, her jet black hair and green eyes like a cats were unforgettable. 

"Becky, what a suprise seeing you here?" I said, although it really wasn't much of a suprise at all.

"Oh shut up, Lucy." She growled. "I saw you talking to my boyfriend at the club."

"So what if I was? You said it yourself becky, we were talking, nothing more."

"Just stay the fuck away from him, okay?" She yelled, shoving me up against the wall.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I laughed. "Look, I don't want your boyfriend."

She lifted her hand and slapped me hard against the face. 

"What are they all here for then?" I asked, nodding my head towards the rest of her gang. "Are they just there to back you up because you can't fight your own battles?"

She slapped me again, harder this time. The rest of her little gang decided to join in after that and began to beat the crap out of me, until my entire body felt numb.

Becky pushed her face up close against mine, "Just stay out of my way, slut." She spat.

"I think you'll find I was.." I replied smugly.

"You're pathetic." She said as she turned on her heels and left the bathroom, the rest of her group following behind her.

As soon as they'd left I glanced into the mirror, unsure of how severe my injuries were.

My shirt was covered in blood and so was my hands. I gasped when I saw my face, my cheeks were bright red and I had a few cuts with blood appearing from them. There was already a black eye forming and several blue bruises. I squinted at the clock I could see behind me in the mirror, there was no point bothering going back to class now. Using the cold water from the taps I splashed it on my cheeks to try and help bring down the swelling. The cuts stung too much to clean up but  I tried.

Bring, went the bell making me jump in suprise. I hitched my bag up onto my shoulder and stormed out. As hard as I tried to go unnoticed, people watched me as I walked past, clearly wondering what had happened to me. I made my way out of the front gates, pushing past the people in my way. I slid my headphones into my ears and began walking home.

"Fucking hell, Lucy. What happened to you?" Jason asked.

"It was just a little fight, it was nothing." I lied. 

"You need to go to hospital." He replied, beginning to walk to the door. 

"No, no, no. I'm fine, honestly." I cried chasing after him.

"At least let me help you then." He said, turning to look me in the eye.

I gave in and let him pull me along with him to the kitchen. He lifted me up onto the side so I was sitting with my legs swinging below the counter. He got out the first aid box and dabbed at the cuts and banaged them up.


I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me and I leaned my head against his chest. I could feel his heart beating fast beneath his shirt. When we finally seperated he smiled, running his fingers through his floppy brown hair.

"You're so nice to me, all the time." I said not taking my eyes off him. "Why?"

He shrugged, "I just feel like maybe, you need someone on your side for once."

"Don't feel sorry for me." I snapped, tearing my eyes away from him. "It's my fault my life ended up this fucked up."

I jumped down off the counter and left without a look back, I didn't need another person who just pretends to care about me, I've had enough people like that in my life.

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