Chapter 13

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I started to freak out. Why had my mom called me? Had she found out about me seeing Cody?

I picked up my cellphone, my hands shaking and dialed the number as I waited to hear her voice.

"Hello." I heard her say.

"You called me right?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied, a slight hint of anger in her voice. "What did I tell you about seeing your brother?"

I swallowed before replying, "that it's forbidden?"

"Yes." She snapped. "Then why did you break that rule?"

"I - I didn't.."

"Don't lie to me." She yelled. "I saw you with him!"

"WHAT?" I shouted. ' Where, how?"

At the pizza place, I was across the road at the hair salon.


"Listen Lucy, I don't want you seeing your brother anymore, I don't want him to turn into a wild freak like you. If I find out you two have seen each other, you're going to be in even more trouble than you are right now. Understood?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Good." She muttered before hanging the phone up.

I fell back onto the bed again. I couldn't help but think this was all my fault. I heard a knock on the door which was not long after followed by a voice.

"Can I come in?" Jason asked.

"No!" I shouted.

Cleary unbothered by my words he swung open the door and walked in.

"I could have been getting changed for all you know!" I shouted.

He smirked before replying, "well lucky for you, you weren't."

"So what do you want?"

"To talk."

I rolled my eyes, "Talk about what?"

"Anything." He said as he layed down on the bed next to me.

"Hey, did I say you could lay on my bed?"

"No." He smiled.

I paused for a moment before shoving him with all my strength and I watched in amusement as he rolled off the bed, and landed with a thump on the floor.

I walked over to check he was alright, but was quickly dragged down by my ankles. We lay there next to each other in silence for a moment.

Until I sneakily snuck my hand behind the bed and pulled out a pillow. As quick as lightning, I smashed the pillow on Jasons face repeatedly. He began to laugh as he started grabbing a pillow and hitting me back.

I swung, He ducked. He swung, I ducked. I was just about to hit him when suddenly smack he hit me right in the face.

"Ouch." I said rubbing my hurt cheek.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked rushing over to me, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, i'm fine." I smiled.

I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes for a second.

I began to feel Jasons warm breath on my cheek and a trail of kisses going down my neck. His touch sent electric shocks through my body. Our eyes connected as he moved to my jaw.

When our lips met it was like everything around me disappeared.

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