2.Luke Dawson

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Ok so I kinda re wrote this, because it was horrible and I really didn't like it. C: I'm happier with it now. I hope you are too...


"Luke?" I heard my mom call. "Is that you?"

"Ya." I mumbled, stumbling through the door.

"Sweetheart...." my mother stated, walking to me. "Are you drunk again?!?"

I shrugged and started my way to my room. I was taking my first step on the stairs when I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around to see my mother with tears in her eyes. 

"Please...Luke." my mom looked at me. "Talk to me."

"There's nothing to be said." Truth was, there was TO much to be said. Just...I couln't handle it.

"You can't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault." she shook her head.

"Yes! It WAS my fault! I could have done SOMETHING! ANYTHING!" I screamed, alcohol + my emotional state = bad. "I was at a fxcking party. A PARTY!  I was drinking when she tried calling!"

I let the tears take over, streaming down my face. My mother opened her arms and wrapped them around me.

"Shhhh...shhhh...it's going to be ok.." she whispered, rubbing my back.

"How can it be ok? I'm messed up...I-I just...I want h-her back." I sobbed. "Ev-everything around h-here reminds m-me of her."

"I know, Luke." my mom sighed, "That's why we're moving."

"What?" I pushed back. I looked at her eyes, but all I saw was sadness.

"We can't keep living here, Luke." she smiled, a small smile, "There are too many bad memories."

"What about the GOOD memories. Are we just going to throw that away!" How can she do this. I've lived in this house since I was born. I can't just...leave.

"We can make new memories. Tomorrow in the new house."

"TOMORROW!" How can she, she can't, no.

"Ya, the movers are coming and it will take awhile to load everything on the plane.."

"Where are you planning on moving?" I sneered. How can she not tell me. 

"Luxindale, it's this small town down in Florida."

"Florida! We are moving 500 miles!" I yelled. I had to leave everyone, Daniel, Ken, Kayla. Crap! Kayla!

"Ya, it's warm and ther-"

"What about Kayla! She's my girlfriend! I'm suppose to just pack up and leave.!"

"Sweetheart, you have to understand.."

"Understand! Ha. Like you would!" 

"I do! You don't know me! I haven't told you everything about me! You zone out every time I told you my high school times! Ellie list-"

"Shut up! DON'T say her name." my voice cracked.

"She wouldn't like Kayla. You know that." she said calmly.

"Ya, I know." I stated before slowly making my way to my room.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

I stopped and without turning said, "To pack, our flight leaves tomorrow. Right?"

"Um, ya. Dinner will be ready in 10."

"Ok." and with that I walked up the stairs and into my room.

That was intense..

Ugh. I thought you died.

Nope. I'm always here..watching.

Why did I get a creepy conscious.

Why did Ellie-

Shut up or I swear to god.

Ok ok sorry. Oh and BTW you never gave me a name.

Am I suppose to...

Um...YA!  Idiot.

Hey! I heard that.


Whatever, how bout...Conscious. You know...with a capital.

If I had arms, I would kill you.

I'm not creative! Sorry!

Fine fine, whatever.

Now can you shut up. I need to pack.

Ah the art of folding.

Do you WANT me to blow up?

Sure, It'll end my misery of being your conscious.

Just...mmmm...I'm shutting you off.

Hey, hey, you cant do that.

Watch me.

You can't. Being the idiot you are there is a-

"Ha did it." I whispered to myself. I got my suitcase from under my bed and began putting cloths in them. 

It took me about 20 minutes to pack all my cloths away. Plus after dinner I helped my mom pack everything else. That was tiring.

"Night Luke." my mom told me, giving me a kiss on the head.

"Night mom." 

"I'm sorry Luke for everything...just.."

"I know mom. I know." I said giving her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you to Luke, Goodnight." 



Guess who just got hit with inspiration!!!! That's right! ME!

Omg, I have chapter 3 toooooo.

I wrote this chapter but I realized, it had more todo with another character then with Luke. 

Ok I have to ask you


Or no


Or not



Haha ok so comment. Your answer

1) Should I post Chapter 3 now...or make you wait?

2)Who do you think Luke and his mom were talking about? Her?

3)And the bold A/N or not?




~Chi the Great

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