8. Great Date so please don't Hate

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Totally not edited. Just no. Stahp.


Mackenzie's POV

"Hey Mackenzie. Do wanna go to the park after school?" he asks. I think for a minute, and look back at him. His cute face with that hair, how can I say no?

"I would love to." I smile and say. The posse looks at me like I've just killed Augustus. I ignore them and walk to class in room 204.

Thinking, why did they look at me like that?

Because I let Luke touch me?

Or is it him asking me out and me saying yes?

I shrug and walked into class.

All through science,

we shared (what people call) "romantic glances" What I call them is "Intense staring contests from across the room when the teacher isn't looking"

I didn't pay attention to any other class, I was simply dazed thinking about him.

Mmm...I don't like this.

Deal with it.

Fine, but there's something else going on and you know it.

I'm just going on a date to the park. Is that so bad?

By the end of school, I was exhausted. Coach made us run for 20 minutes. That's two digits. TWO! I was NOT made for running.

"Hey babe." a raspy voice mumbled against my shoulder. I turn around to be greeted by his piercing green eyes. Sighing I lean into his chest and receive a warm embrace. Closing my eyes and breathing in his smell. "Do I have to carry you to the park-"

"Carry me!" I jump up in delight. He bends down, and crunches over so I can jump on his back. Doing so, he hold my legs and I stuff my head into the crook of his neck.

and off we GO!

We're off the see the park,

the wonderful park of town!

As we, he, walked to the park I thought. I though about stuffs like..

"What did I eat for breakfast?"

"How many people have stick figure tattoos?"

"Does John Green enjoy making teenagers cry?"

"How ever did Luke become my boyfriend?"

AND cue flashback

Valentine's day was one of my most hated holidays. Mostly as Mackenzie, because she gets SO many valentines they don't fit into her locker. Oh and you can't forget the roses, "cupid" this year was David Murray. Seeing him in a diaper, tiny wings, and a halo on top of his head, giving out roses and holding a bow and arrow, could make anyone's day better.

"Mackenzie Starr. A whole bunch for you like always." he grumbles and he passes me the huge bushel. I stare at all the tags, seeing who sent them.

but there was only one.


Meet me at the oak tree in the park after school ;)



Someone brought me 12 roses. To make it even better, they were all white. Who doesn't like white roses?!? Other then Queen of Hearts...well President Snow likes them.

So after school, I decided,

Why the hell not!

I get to the park and the tree in five minutes time, and I lean against it. I wait. I wait and wait and wait until it's been one hour. I sigh and begin walking home when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

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