3. New Neighbour

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Mackenzie's POV

"MOM! I'm HOME!!" I yelled, coming through the red wood door.  "Is that cookies I smell?"

"It is, but what makes you think you're going to get any?" My mom questioned, peeking her head out of the kitchen.  She had her hair up in a very VERY messy bun, and no makeup on.  She is wearing a navy blue tank top with sweatpants rolled up to her knees.

Ya. I have a cool mom.

"Go get changed, I have something to tell you." She said, leaning against the kitchen door frame.

You see, our kitchen has its own doors.  One to the backyard and one leading to the dinning room.  I don't understand how people tell the difference from the dinning room to the living room.  There's NOTHING separating them.  I mean, doesn't that mean the living room could be the dinning room and the dinning room be the living room? I guess my mom got confused to because she installed a small chandelier above the dinning table.  So I guess that's the only difference now. Since we have hardwood floor downstairs.

Using that's example.  What if the bedrooms didn't have walls separating them? How would you know which side is your side? I mean, ours would be one long room, my mom, me, two bathrooms, and a guest room, PLUS the hall.  But no. We have walls and doors, and locks on each door.

*Ding dong*

"Mom you get it! You're closer." I shouted to her as I sprinted to my room.  I opened the bright orange door, to reveal my room.  I should clean, I mean...I can't even see the floors anymore.  Or my bed. Or anything.  I tried to get to the grey dresser, but I failed and tripped over a pizza box. "Cool, it's still warm."

Don't worry, I bought it last night.

"Ok. I got this. I got this. I...DONT GOT THIS!" I screamed as my foot got caught on...My bed post? Anyways, I felt myself going down, about to land on a sock.


A sock?

A sock.

A sock.

I questioned my mental state, when I hit the ground, well actually a pile of cloths.  Yes. I am very messy. 

"M-Sweety! Come down please." I heard my mom say loudly.  I groaned, getting up and slowly walked to the dresser. 

There I stripped out of the God dam dress that I can't breath properly in.  Also those flats. Ew. Purple dotted flats. I took off all the pounds of makeup I had on and then the contacts.  After stabbing my eye trying to get those contacts out, I had to unclip the blonde wig I was wearing. 

"Chocolate fudge, Orange sherbet, mint chip." I muttered.

Yes I curse in ice cream flavours.

Got a problem you rocky road?

Didn't think so.

The clip got tangled in my chocolate brown hair. UGH this happened every single TIME! I mean, you do what you gotta do.

After I got all that sorted out, I threw on my Star Wars clones shirt and a pair of sweatpants.  I also checked around my neck to make sure I didn't lose my necklace. Again.

"Ok, check, check, check." I did a mental checklist before heading downstairs.

"Hey mom...STRANGER DANGER!" I screamed. There was someone standing over our fireplace and looking at our pictures. "STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER!!"

I looked for something to hit the intruder with, and the closest thing was a yellow umbrella [Of course...yellow.] I saw the stranger look at me with fearful eyes but I had already swung the umbrella towards his knee.

"What is going on?!?" My mom sternly said, right as the intruder screamed out in pain. "Luke, honey, are you ok. Obviously not Sharon. I'll get you an ice pack."

"Thank you Ms. Sartan." this 'Luke' called my mom.  I watched his every move, still holding onto the umbrella.  He limped over to the couch and sat down, wincing in pain.  Ok maybe I hit him a little too hard. 

"Here you go honey." My mom baby-ed, handing him an ice pack. Then she finally acknowledged me, for the first time since I've been down here. "Oh Mac-erm..Taylor, say hello to our new neighbour."

I went wide eye, dropping the umbrella.  I turn my gaze away from her and to....my new neighbour.  I finally take a good look at him.  Hair like a brownie, eyes like...what's a food that's green?  He had a stripped shirt on, with jeans.  Red Converse. Hmm..interesting.

"Hello, I'm Luke or stranger according to you." he stated. I take my eyes off his shoes and look him in those [Insert a green candy or food...like Harry Style's eyes...yep] like eyes. I kinda do this laugh but...not really. An awkward laugh.

"Hi I'm...Taylor." I smile and walk over to him, "oh and uh..sorry for, Ya know, hitting you with a umbrella."

"Naw it's okay.  I can now check 'Get hit with a umbrella' off my bucket list." He shrugged, but I can see him trying not to smile.

"For a moment I thought I could cross off 'Beat a stranger with an umbrella' off MY bucket list." I snapped my finger in a vertical motion like 'Darn'

He cracked a smile and laughed, that's when I started laughing and then my mom. I had no idea why we were laughing, I just learned to go with it.

"Anyways, I gotta go mom.  The guys are probably waiting for me, and you know what happens if I make them wait." I informed her.  I then proceeded to the front door and grabbed my skateboard.  It had different coloured wheels, but the board was just plain orange.  Unless you look under it, then it has the names of all the fandoms I'm in.

"Oh ok Taylor, when you think you'll be back?" My mom called after me when I opened the door.

"I don't know, a few hours I guess." I said before stepping outside, oh wait, I stuck my head in one last time, "Bye Luke, nice hitting ya."

With that I started a mini run and hopped on my skateboard.  I clipped on my helmet and rode my way to the skate park. 


What was his last name?


But this time, I'm gonna make sure he doesn't find out my secret.  Made that mistake once, NEVER AGAIN!

I, Mackenzie Taylor Starr Sartan, will make sure my secret is safe.

The secret that I'm a tomboy in the closet.

»»»»»»»Author Note thing««««««««

Hey hey hey.

So how was that. Oh gawd. I tried to finish it last night at 2am but unfortunately I fell asleep with it on my face so...

Please please don't hate me. I know I'm horrible and just...I know.

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