Fabled color

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Eeeeeee I finally got to this story yay! ANYWAYS so this is a johndave fanfic. John and Dave are soulmates. They can see all the colors except (for Dave) blue (for John) red. When they finally meet they are shown this color only other people can talk about in stories. Yay ok here's an intro

Your name is John Egbert and you have blue eyes. You have seen almost every color except red. I mean you want to know so badly. But when people show you the color red it just shows up grey to you. Your sadness overcoming. You, John Egbert had been running down the streets trying to find jade, who had the most beautiful green eyes, your sister! You felt bad for her soulmate, they couldn't see green. Jade doesn't know the exact color she can't see I can't figure out which color haha anyway. You were running down the streets, trying to find her, she had run off because of a strange person. You had warned her not to follow strangers but she was ignorant. "Jade! Jade! Come back here!"you yelled. You were looking side to side, unknown that you were about to run into- WHAM RIGHT INTO THEIR CHEST. "Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't know where I was going please forgive me" you had run into someone. You rub your head and look up from your sitting position to see a blonde haired boy wearing shades with a broken record shirt on. "Naw man, it's cool I wasn't looking either" he had responded. The boy held his hand out so you could grab and continue your search. Behind the boy was jade, with a really happy expression. "Uhh...thanks...I was looking for my sister..but I found her.." You held his hand to get up. His hand was soft, like silk, yet finely shaped from working. "Oh well cool. Can I ask a question?" He asked you were confused but responded "um yeah sure." He figdeted. "Why are your eyes Gray?"

Edi 8/12/16: ok I'm extremely sorry about my very bad writing skills on this first one. Especially about how the pacing is holy shit. I made this around 6 months ago without an editor. I promise it will get better the more I write.

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