Cat Got Your Tongue?

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My boys found him in the infirmary, claiming to have hit his head on the edge of a toilet bowl, causing his injury.

It wasn't hard to pay the nurses off. They were women who hadn't had a man look at them in years, let alone sex. Not because of how they looked, but because of their personality.

Oh, I wouldn't fuck them. Not in a million years, but I had some men who have been itching for years to get inside a woman. For the life of me, I have no idea why. But it was a win-win situation.

When I arrived at the infirmary door, I opened it very slowly in case somebody hadn't done there job. And in that case, I would've had to break their neck.

But of course, my men did not let me down. The room was empty except for a body, which I presumed to be Brandon's. There weren't ever many people in the infirmary, at least not for long. Here, you hurt to kill. And the ones who managed to get to the infirmary, soon died too.

Too bad for Brandon he didn't die.

I locked the door behind me as I stepped into the room.

"Sarah?" The bastard called out. He thought I was one of the nurses, but he was in for a rude awakening.

"Try Satan." I smirked to myself as I watch his struggle to turn his head to look at me. "Welcome to _hell...Remember me?"

His eyes widened dramatically, as if he were in a cartoon. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

I reached over his body and pushed at the site were blood was peeking through the bandage. It was his wound, as I expected, and he screamed, as I expected.

I said quietly. "Scream like that again, and you'll be dead before a single gets through that door."

He nodded quickly, grimacing now instead of screaming. "Smart boy."

"Pretend you don't know something or lie to me again, and I'll be be shoving your head against the door of your cell until your skull finally breaks and you slide through the bars." He opened his mouth to say something, but I caught him. "Ah, ah, ah. Watch what you say before you say it. This is a life or death matter."

He closed his mouth eventually and I smiled. "Great. Now, let's get on with it." I leaned back to lift my right foot up to kick him in his left shoulder. It was just hard enough to disconnect it. Now, every time he moved, he would be in extreme pain.

He didn't scream, but a pool of tears definitely fell from his face. Not that I cared.

I pulled up a chair next to his messed up arm.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up. "Me? Oh, I'm just getting some answers."

He shook his head, his tears flying into the covers. "I'll tell you whatever you what to know."

"Oh, I'm sure you will, but this is just insurance. I'm going to ask you some questions. Lie and I break a finger. You lose all five fingers, game over. You're done. It's a simple game really. What was the name of the officer that you got to take Jay?"

"I think it was Rodriguez."


He bit into his other arm to muffle the screams. I'll allow that. "You're lying. You hired the man. You know his name. And before you think of lying again, let me remind you that I know his name. So, one more time, What. Was. His. Name?"


"Good. You're learning. Now, Huey made a bad decision. He's been fired as of ten minutes ago. Something about possession of drugs I believe. But I know he won't be back. I didn't give him a chance, but I'm giving you one. What were you going to do to Jay?"

"I was just trying to scare him."

Snap! Snap!

"Argh! You said one! Fuck!"

"Oh did I? My bad, just a little excited I guess." I shrugged. "Anyway, that's not really important. What's you answering my questions truthfully. What were you going to do to Jay? Look, I'll even help you out. Were you trying to kill him?"

He shook his head. I tilted my own in confusion. "Now, see, here's where things get complicated. I believe you're actually telling the truth on that one. But if you weren't trying to kill Jay, then what the fuck were you going to do to him?"

He stayed silent.

"Oh, that was a question." I pressed finger back towards the top of his wrist, a little farther past where it should've stopped. 

"I just wanted a little something from him. Not much." 

I let his finger go and laughed to myself as I stood up. "You wanted a little something from him? What the hell does that mean?" 

"I think you know what that means Z."

It was instinct. I swear it really was.

I shook out my hand as it throbbed from slamming it against his cheek. "Don't you ever speak to me like that again and don't you ever," I grabbed his chin and yanked it so that he was looking at me. "ever speak about Jay again." I smirked. "Excuse me, I'm speaking like you'll actually be able to talk about him ever again." 

I started pacing back and forth before coming to a stop at his bedside again. I pulled out a knife from the back of my waistband and unwrapped the cloth that covered it. I started to tap it against my palm rhythmically. "You see, I was just going to kill you, but now I think I'll keep you'll be a walking billboard to let everyone know not to fuck with me." I sat at his bedside, using his chest as leverage for my forearm. Tears started streaming down his face. "Oh no, no. Don't cry. You made this mess...You lay in it." 

I drew the blade down his cheek. "Tsk, tsk. Such a nice face." 

"Please do-" I quickly reached into his mouth, shoving my hand in and I grabbed his tongue and pulled it past his teeth, before he had a chance to bite down on my hand. Now he was stuck, he could either bite down on his own tongue or just sit there.

He did the right thing and just say there. Good boy.

"You know, you're really lucky I'm, because I would skin you alive right now." He nodded furiously, the tears just flying. I smiled a tight-lipped smile. "But I'm not that nice." I raised my hand and brought the knife down.

On his tongue. 

He started to scream, but the sounds were gargling, partly due to the blood filling his throat and part due to his tongue being missing. 

I threw the rest of his mouth onto the ground. "Oh calm down Bran. It's just a little cut. You'll either be dead by the time they get back. Or, they'll save your sorry ass and put you in solitary so that you're protected. Either way, I'm not going to see your dumb ass again, so you have a nice day. You hear?" I flashed him a smile as he began to choke.  

We would be on lock down soon, but that was fine. I was planning on getting to know Jay a little better.

  See the shit people made me do?  

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