Stay Away

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Their house was huge. Not huge, fucking huge and it was surrounded by a gate large enough to keep even the most notorious thieves away. It was practically as big as Hell's Gate and it wasn't owned by the state. This was owned by actual people. As soon as we stepped through the doorway with Jessie's belligerent sister, I was looking for a weapon. I knew that this was my idea, but I was now having uneasy feelings. 

"Dad?" Jessie yelled, his voice echoing through the building. 

"No, no, no. Don't call dad! Please! Call mom! Or better yet, don't call anyone!" She was slurring her words, but the fear in her voice was real. 

"Why the hell would I call mom? She's always on your side and I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one that's drunk. Mom's irrational and I'm not going down for your shit, not this time." Jessie was holding her by the arms as she struggled weakly to get away. 

I took this time to scan the room that we were in. It was like a grand hall and there was a humungous chandelier that hung above us. Even though the lights were low, the diamonds that were encrusted in the chandelier glistening enough to cast light throughout the room. 

There was a large winding staircase to our left and to our right, there was a wall that housed shelves that formed into the wall, lined with books. There was a table that sat underneath the bookcase where a vase rested along with a picture of their family. As I got closer, the faces became more than just blurry faces, I recognized Jessie and his sister. They were at a beach. Behind them stood what I assumed were their parents. The woman was blonde and skinny, whereas the kids were both brown haired. But standing next to her, was what I assumed was their father, who had jet black hair. He was extremely handsome and towered over everyone in the picture. His face looked extremely familiar, but I couldn't place it. 

There was a loud thump and then silence. I eyed both Z and Red and they were both looking up towards the noise, trying to figure out what was about to happen.  Then, a man appeared at the top of the stairs dressed in a black robe. As he descended the stairs, I recognized him as the man from the photo. "Can I ever get a decent night's sleep? I swear, I want to kick the both of you out sometimes....Who's this?" He had finally realized that his kids weren't the only ones in the room. He eyes each of us separately. "Jessie, you know how I feel about you bringing your hoodlum friends home?" 

Dad of the year right here. 

"God, Dad. They aren't my hoodlum friends. They actually help me save your precious daughter from being raped tonight of her own stupidity." 

"Shut up! I wasn't getting raped." 

"Oh, that's right, you were working the corner like a hooker!" He yelled back. 

"Oh, like you were being such a model citizen. You were at that bonfire on the beach weren't you? Drinking and getting high like you always do!"      

The father rubbed his face, looking extremely stressed out at the moment, not that I blame him.  "Amanda, just go to your room." Why were practically all brats named something like Amanda or Brittany or Jennifer?

"But Daaad!" She whined. 

"Oh, shut up. Go sleep off your intoxication. Go eat some of the snacks that I know you keep in your room. The more fatty, the better." He pointed behind him with his thumb, indicating that she should head up the stairs, quickly. 

"This is so not fair!" She had the brat voice down pact that's for sure. 

"Go eat a Snickers. You're not you when you're drunk." He tilted his head as she passed him, making sure that she heard every word. I snorted at his joke and he snapped his neck back to look at me and then back at his son. "If these aren't your knucklehead friends, then who are they?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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