Serious Stuff #1 Depression

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Sorry if this goes too far.

Many may not know this, I'm happy and joyful mostly, but there are some days that are just bad. There is such a vast scale on how depression works for me. First off, I'll get it out, there are days were I hate myself. Period. I verbally abuse myself with explicit wording, calling myself fat, ugly, other words that shouldn't be used to describe said any person. Vulgar comments I use against myself are common. I've had days where I thought I should just kill myself. I'm sorry if I'm sucking you in to stupid drama but I had to get this out there. I've had days where I spend maybe an hour just insulting myself, crying because I hate myself. I'm at the point where It went from bad to ok, which is great cause it isn't as bad. Kinda have to say that Wattpad helps get my mind off of it sometimes, others being activities in my free time (Soccer, Games, Trombone, etc.). Again, I don't tell many people about this but I wanted to get it out there. Thanks for reading.

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