The Check-in

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Had no idea Swift was checking in today also, LOL. I just got bored and figured, why not.

Hello there everyone, just to inform you, my next check in will occur Feburary 25, 2017

You may of thought, he isn't going to do any check-ins, well wrong!

So you may be wondering, how is your life, Turtle?
Its pretty good, right now at least. Also, to input, I think I'm a better writer now. Possibly, I honestly don't know.
To continue, everything has been awesome, school, science class, heh. My science teacher is the best. I'm in honors science, and my teacher is honestly freaking hilarious. Band is awesome, and it's nice to hang out with friends too. I'm honestly happy to be in school, as I don't struggle with it as much as I though I would
*Knocks on wood profusely*
Think I'm going to check in on some stories and look around
Thanks for reading.
Have a great day!
I will see you next year!

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