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      Usual day in the shop, few customers here and there, one lady and two female teens, the lady was quite annoying I might add because she was picking up her daughters wedding dress but apparently the dress she ordered wasn't her "taste" then the two females were alright, they only bought two tops and a pair of bikini bottoms. As to what I was originally doing, I was stoking up on women's button up denim skirts when suddenly the little copper bell on top of our glass door rang. I was about to get to the customer when Bettie came flying out of the back room like a cheetah chasing a gazelle causing the drape stapled to the back door to come flying along with her until it finally calmed down, not that she cared at the moment and for some reason seemed very eager to get to this customer. As soon as I was done stoking the skirts I decided to see who Bettie was so eager to see or what to see at the least. Finally walking around the tan marble counter I came to a young man dressed in somewhat all black, black combat boots, black ripped jeans, dark blue shirt that showed his torso perfectly, black leather jacket that suited him very well I might add, and finally black glasses that hung on is somewhat long curly tan locks that came to his middle neck above his head. "Scar! this is my boyfriend ashton, isent he a hunk!" I didn't know what to say because his appearance took my breath away, I believe he was the most beautifulest man I've ever seen in my entire life and I don't think I'm exaggerating this time. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Bett yelled my name "SCAR!" "Huh what, oh hi my names scarlet, nice to meet you" I said while I shook his hands; damn he's got really big and nice hands I thought to myself, their like rough and stuff that's pretty hot. "Hi I'm Ashton if you wouldn't have guessed that already" he chuckled and oh my god did I just hear the gods, what. "Wait did you say your name was scarlet?" "Um yeah that's me, why?" "OH MY GOD SCARLET, LIKE SCARLET BEGONIAS FROM THE GRATEFUL DEAD?!?" "HOLY GOD YOU KNOW THE GREAT DEAD?!?" "OH MY THEIR NOT LIKE THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD OR ANYTHING!" he said white a huge grin on his face and he was pretty much unattached from Bett and right in front of me but hey I didn't mind, I got the best view in the house man. "BETT CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE KNOWS THE GREAT DEAD?!?" "oh wow, amazing" she said with a annoyed attitude. "C'mom ashy we can go in the back real quick I have to show you something" she said winking at him. "Uh yeah one moment babe I gotta find my new jacket first" "Mkay, I'll be waiting" she said while walking away. Ashton walks back to where we have out leather jackets, curiously I walk back there with him but just out of curiosity of course. Before I knew it he had pinned me to the wall, I was shocked at first but that soon ended when he spoke "are you following me?" "uh hu um" I said stuttering "that's what I thought" he said with a sly grin by that time he let go and started to talk so I guess that was my cue to walk with him. "So Scarlet" he said while looking back at me with that grin of his. "Why did you decide to follow into the leather jacket rack?" "well I um thought you needed help" "really? we'll help away then" he said while crossing his arms "um do you need any help?" "well actually yes" "oh ok, what do you need help with?" "I was wondering how much your number would cost?" I was taken back a bit because he's in a relationship so why would he be asking me for it?, "um what? my number? why would you want that?" "i don't know just to hang out maybe"he said with a genuine smile that made my knees weak "oh well then it cost absolutely nothing Mr.?" "Irwin. Ashton Irwin" "I knew your first name hun" I said while chuckling. "oh right I knew that" he said while smiling "well when you find what your looking for then you'll get my number Mr.Irwin." I said while turning and skipping to the register in my denim skirt then my light blue spaghetti strap tank top along with my leather jacket with a bunch of patches on it whith artist I love then finally my black high heels. I could feel his eyes on me and honestly it gave me chills just thinking about it. I was counting the money when a loud bang coming from the rack area interrupted me, "what the hell" I said silently to myself. After a few seconds of thinking what to do I decided that I should check it out to make sure Ashton dident hurt himself on the old rack polls that me and Bett meant to throw out but dident have the time to. "Ashton are you ok?" seconds later I heard a somewhat quiet raspy voice. "Um yeah I'm fine but could I have a little help" "Um yeah sure I'll be right there" I finished counting the money and put it back in the register. I starting walking to where he was in the back but when I went back there and he was nowhere to be found, curiously I started looking inside the wooden changing areas but he was still nowhere to be found. "Ashton?" I called out.
nothing. "Ashton this isent funny" once again nothing. Alright maybe he's playing games I thought to myself. "Ashton one more time and I'm leaving" all of a sudden something came crashing towards me from the old shirts rack but I realized it was a body figure, by then it was to late it had me pinned against the same wall Ashton did a few minutes ago. I dident have time to scream because it's lips were pressed against mine before anything could come out. I started struggling and punching whatever was in front of me but it spoke "Hey hey scar it's me" "Ashton what the hell man, why would you kiss me when you have a girlfriend that's in love with you?!" I said in a low whisper so Bett wouldent hear in the back. "I don't know it just kind of happened" "Ashton, kissing dosent just happen and you don't just go and kiss someone when your in a relationship" "why not? I do it all the time" "because you don't disrespect women like that, and what do you mean you do it all the time" "look sweetheart you don't know about me that well so I'm gonna let you in on some inside stuff about myself" "um ok?" "great!" he said while clapping his hands. "well first of all I don't stick around, second I don't care what the girls do because I've never had someone to lo-" "er anyway" I knew what he was trying to say but I dident want to interrupt him so I stayed quiet "so to sum it up I'm basically a guy who never settles down and dosent love anything other than my motorcycle" "is that good enough for ya sweetheart?" "um yeah that's fine, now I have to get back to work if you don't need anything else?" "I'm fine sweetheart get back to your job" I started walking down the hallway when I thought of something, "oh and Ashton it's not sweetheart it's scarlet" I said winking and continued walking back to the register.

//Alright this is the first chapter and I can't wait to write more and if you have any questions feel free to message me anytime also i'm not quite sure when i'm going to update but i'll try my very best to keep up -halie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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