Continuity By Nicholas Studio

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Chapter one:N's Story
December 5th 2016,Journel entry number one: Have you ever thought that you have years with someone. And then one day poof they're gone absolutley nothing about it.

hopefully you won't know what that feels like but i know all to well this is my part of the story,my individual part.

I distinctly remeber it was cold,early-late winter I'm absolutely sure of that,That day i remeber i was waiting a while for my friend,when she approached me the first thing she had asked me was "Why nobody liked it when she was sad or angry"I had awnsered with"It's probably because being sad or angry did not fit her personality".

She huffed and crossed her arms and followed me as i crossed the road."You're fifteen and somehow you are more mature than me" I say with a small smirk on my face,she lets out a small giggle"Nate,it's because you act like a little kid all the time" I opend my mouth to protest but then i realized she was right,I do act like a kid,most likelt it's because i am way to innocent.

I feel a prickle on my kneck and I do a quick check of my surronding due to an incident from a long time ago i was always on edge,the incident in question was my friend was kidnapped a long time ago,which reminds me"Hey Sapphire,remember what happend eight years ago".She pauses,I noticed she starts to tear up'Ah crap that was a sensitive topic'.She takes in a shaky breath"Y-yeah,the person who kidnapped me wasn't very nice" I immediately realize something,She is dangerously close to walking into traffic,I grab her by the hand and pull her towards me "N-NO".

She Yells
and tries to run away"CALM DOWN it's only me"I shout,she quickly realizes she isn't in any danger and turns to me,and gives me a swift punch in the gut.

"Ow,I desrved that but you almost walked into the middle of traffic"!
She gasps looks towards the road and back then she helps me up"Sorry"we both say at the same time.

Finally we walk back and she lets out a loud scream of pain and falls on one knee,I run over to her and ask her if she is ok.which she shakes her head'No'to,i help her to her feet and she uses my arm as a support.

"This is probably oh i dont know the ninth time this has happend,and you still refuse to go to the nurse"I say with a annoyed expression.

She scoffs and jokingly tells me to shut up.

The walk from the School to her house was about five minutes and it had been four so we were almost there.

After i dropped her off i had gotten a message it said my friend who had caught a form of cancer and he lost his fight he died december 5th at three thirty p.m.
..................To Be Continued...........

Continuity By Nicholas StudioWhere stories live. Discover now