Continuity By Nicholas Studio

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Chapter Six:The fall.
Dear,Headmaster,we've been noticing that you've been using some less than ethical methods to train students on how to fight the Darkness,in doing so we would like to remind you that we are in charge and to remind you to use the stander protocol.-Chairmen.
Dear,Chairmen,With all due respect screw that protocol,our way we do things may be diffrent to yours, but it gets the job done better then that protocal did and ever will do.Sincerly-Headmaster
Dear,Headmaster,The Darkness has persauded you to do something else,time to activate the fall-Chairmen p.s. good luck
Dear,chairmen.have you completley and utterly lost it,?I have not seen the darkness let alone talked to it,do not activate the fall,it would be a waste of resources and time,not to mention the chances of it working are negative 999 million if it activates,not even when its working,when it does the chances go down even farther so i advise you to not activate the fall untill it is absolutely nesscary
Sincerly-Headmaster p.s. farewell

Dear Headmaster,As presumed you are not possesd by the darkness so why may i ask are you disobeying a direct order from central command?-Chairmen p.s. There not happy
Dear Chairmen,Frankly i do not give a crap about what command thinks of us so tell them they can do whatever ,i am tired of having to break up a war every five seconds so please activate the fall and waste all the time we spent working on it just do it,I dare you-Former Headmaster Ken
Dear command,we have a issue,Ken quit on us,And we will activate the fall unless you say so.
Lets see if it works.-Chairmen
Dear chairmen,If it is absolutely nessary to activate the fall then so be it go ahead with the plan with all due respect-Command
Just as me and John prepared to continue the fight an alarm bell sounded along with it came an announcement"Attention everyone the fall has been activated be prepared for a long and grueling battle and be prepared for death". Immediatly our wooden swords are turned into iron swords. Immediately kids rush to the front of the school which is wear we were told to go in case of situations that are like this.To Be Continued.(Yeah i know i ended this when it was getting good
But i need time to see where this is going and some time to plan out what will happen)

Continuity By Nicholas StudioWhere stories live. Discover now