Chapter 6 - Confusion and Shopping!

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, back already :) I don't know what to say really so i'm just gonna start off my normal intro.

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I'm in the middle of this chapter right now but I am coming back to this for a second. Some reviews say i'm toning it down too much. DON'T WORRY GUYS, STUFF WILL HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER. It's not gonna be like this forever, it just won't be as special if I do it all the time. So just stick around :) Thank you

Hope you guys enjoy :)


Serena looked over her shoulder, her vision was still blurry. She saw Miette, very clearly though. She pushed off of Ash and somehow stood up straight like nothing happened. "Miette! Back OFF!"

Miette looked at her stunned for a moment. "What happened to your black hair?"

Serena stood back again, looking confused. "What black hair?"

Ash looked at Serena's hair. "Miette, what are you talking about?" He crossed his arms, kind of sassy like.

"You had black hair a few hours ago, and you kissed another boy..." Miette kept looking at Ash and then Serena, waiting for their response.

Ash looked dazed. He looked at Serena with a blank face, then regained his composure. "She would never do that! And she was with me all of today, how could she do that?"

"That's what I was thinking, I guess it was someone else. You two looked so similar, and you were wearing the same clothes." Miette explained.

Ash and Serena looked at each other, raising an eyebrow. "So we have twins pretty much?" Ash questioned

"I guess so..." Miette looked down, guilty for all of this drama. She looked back at Serena. "You know Serena, that I do all of that teasing stuff just to mess with you right? I never meant to hurt your relationship."

Serena hugged Ash from the side. "It's fine, I know that, I just get jealous." Ash put his arm around her, and nodded.

"Yeah, that's a big part of why I do it, sorry..." Miette looked down again.

"Hey, you were a big reason why I noticed her crush in the first place, so thank you." Ash squeezed Serena a bit more, and nodded at Miette.

Miette all of the sudden got back to her hyper state. "Your welcome! It's what I do. Bye Ash! Serena.." She winked at Ash, before walking away.

"Well, once again, that was interesting." Ash said, looking at Miette walking away. All of the sudden Serena kissed him, surprising Ash. He settled down and relaxed. She backed away and looked in his brown eyes.

"Wow..." Ash blinked a few times, still having his mouth open. He smiled at Serena, who was smiling back. Ash looked around frantically, "My pizza!" He scrambled for a few moments before running to the counter. He saw the pizza box there and opened it. "Ahhh."

"Pika!" Pikachu said, jumping onto his shoulder to see the pizza. He gave a good sniff before having stars in his eyes. Ash picked up the pizza and walked towards Serena.

"You ready to go?" He held out his arm, while holding the pizza box with one hand.

She put her arm through his and followed him. "Yeah."

After a few minutes of walking Serena started to think about something. "Where are those doppelgangers?" Serena looked around, seeing if she could find.

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