An apology and a kiss

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Chapter 7

Rose was running through the forest, her brain telling her run to from him and hide because he will kill you. While her heart told her to turn around and face him, her heart believed that he would do her no harm. Rose stood there conflicted till suddenly he was standing in front of her and it was too late for her to run and too late for her to save herself. Gideon just stood there, staring at her and softly raised his hand to her cheek and just rested it there. He seemed to be waiting for something, while Rose was staring up at him willing him to tell her what he wanted, what it was he was waiting.

Suddenly, it hit her that she was warm. She hadn’t felt warmth since she came into her powers and she wondered how it was possible. She looked into his eyes and for a moment she felt safe again. Her entire being was in agreement. Gideon was there to save her both her heart and mind screamed it.

Rose woke with a jerk, groaning as she realized for the third time that it was just a dream. She had wanted to believe so badly that Gideon would protect her. She had not talked to him since that day on the hill when she had run and then cried like a little baby. She was so ashamed of herself that she didn’t understand how one man could do what Gideon did to her every time they were together. He could bring her to pieces in a matter of seconds.

She heard Marie shuffling down the hallway towards her door and she knew that it was time for her to get out of bed and start her duties for the day. Surprisingly, she had taken well to working in a kingdom, but then again, anything was better than being a slave for those filthy disgusting men she was given to as a child.

Marie came into the room clucking her tongue at Rose, “Child, why are you still abed? We have work to do before the dinner tonight! The whole family will be there!”

Rose sighed and went to get out of bed. While doing so, she could feel her entire body aching. She needed to find some place quiet soon, where she could release all this pent up frustration. Her powers were dying to come out and she was worried what the consequences might be if she lost control. She walked over to the chair she had laid her dress on and began to dress herself for the day.

Marie continued to make her clothes. She insisted that she never had a daughter and that was the only reason that made Rose feel guilty, so she continued to let her make them it wasn’t as if they were ugly, but the exact opposite. Marie wrapped her arm around Rose and walked her out the door down towards the kitchen. “Come girl, Maddie has made a delicious breakfast this morning. You don’t want to miss it.”

Entering the kitchen, Rose inhaled deeply the smell of cinnamon filling the air. She had flashbacks of her childhood when her parents were still alive and when she used to come to this same kitchen for breakfast every morning. Gideon’s father had replaced most of the help, worried of mutiny wanting no resistance.

She sighed, her heart filling up with grief. She missed her family even more, now that she was living under her old roof.

Rose and Marie finished their breakfast and headed towards the hall to start cleaning and rearranging for the feast in the evening. Marie always kept a constant chatter throughout the day. Rose knew it was because she was trying to ease the pain. Often, her mind would reminisce on what could have been and she felt a pang of guilt for lying to Lucas and Gideon about who she was but she always shoved it down knowing it’s what’s best for now.

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