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My alarm clock gave me a crude awakening, like every morning. I slam my hand down on the off button and roll over with a long groan. 

"My God, I'm so tired," I say.

I force myself out of bed and walk to the door. I open it and begin my descent down the hall with Bear's happy tail wagging behind me. I walk into the kitchen and begin to make us some food. About 10 minutes later I finish and go to my room to get dressed for work. I hate working at The Smoothie Shack in the mall. That's where all the agonizingly annoying teenagers go to hang out. Me, being a 22 year old am the odd one out. 

They're always there talking about the next guy to sleep with and the next girl to shove around. Typical teenage girls. I myself wasn't anything like them. I didn't sleep around. At all! I was sort of pushed around. Of course, having a name like Salem Marie Vancouver I sort of asked for it.
I wish I was the sort of girl that was left alone because people were afraid of me.

But in reality, I had a panic attack every time I came close to anything threatening. Especially needles. You're not drawing my blood! No way
Nuh uh! But rare blood type tends to equal medical workers I like to call 'blood whores'. I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I hear the faint sound of tinkling. I immediately look to Bear, "No! Bear! No!" I yell. I run over to him and rub his nose in the stinky puddle then continue to tell him no. I grab his leash and clip it on. I snatch my phone as it begins to ring and make my way outside with Bear tucked under my arm. I set him on the ground and answer my phone.

"Hello!?" I angrily grouch out.

"H-Hello?" My boss stutters out.

"Oh God! Nathaniel! Hi, I am so sorry. What can I do ya for?"

"Y-Yes... Are you gonna be here soon?"

"Soon as I can kid." He hates when I call him kid but he's 18 so oh well.

"O-Okay, well there's an emergency so hurry. Please!" He quickly adds. I depart with a quick got it. As I shove my phone in my back pocket Bear lies down and eats some small flowers.

I whistle and he turns to me "Let's go Bear!" I bring him inside and unclip his leash. I walk to the kitchen to make sure he has fresh food and water. I grab my keys and wallet as I make my way through the door. I check the time while locking the door and quickly sprint to my craptastic car. An old beat up jeep.


I arrive at the mall, 'Old Jolly' it's called. I strut through the front door and wave to an old deaf security guard named Sean. Sweet old man. I get on the escalator and arrive directly in front of the food court.

 "Hell. Here I come."

I walk up to The Smoothie Shack and promptly see the love of my life. "Dylan." I sighed. A table of teenage girls laugh at me and continue with their snarky remarks of 'as if' and 'good luck' and 'never gonna happen'. I stop and look at them. 

"Uh. Can I help you?" The brunette stated bluntly.

"You're not gonna ever have a chance with him in that getup." The blonde snorted while looking me up and down. The rest chimed in in agreement.

"Yeah, well. Well... At least I can drive!" I stated and stuck my tongue out. I turned and sped away. " 'At least I can drive'? What? That's my big comeback? Come on Salem, you're better than that. I murmur as I walk through the gate leading to the back room of The Smoothie Shack.

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