Chapter 7: Almost lovers

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"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" Nadine asked James as he flopped down the couch, the TV remote on his right hand.

"Watching TV?" James asked without any clue in the world.

Yassi's phone rang and so she excused herself leaving the two to deal with themselves.

"It's 10 past 2 in the morning James. I think we should call it a day. I still have some things to settle in the morning...or in a few hours from now." Nadine glanced at the wall clock and back to her phone. Her hands were busy browsing on it.

James took his pants and gestured for Nadine to turn around.

"I'm not even looking." Nadine rolled her eyes and obliged to James' request without any protest, she was still busy with her phone. James found it weird but shrugged it off.

"I'll just leave my PS2 here for our next week's session." James said as he cleaned up the mess on the floor.

"Session?" Nadine asked, her back still turned from James.

"You can turn around now. I was just messing with you. You're suddenly so serious. Anyway, our Fatal Frame 2, remember?"

"Right, that. I'll let you know if I'm free." Nadine carried James' army bag. He was quite surprised she can even lift it effortlessly, amazing, she truly is.

James was fixing his shoes when Nadine opened the door and shoved him out the apartment, she then threw his army bag right at him.

"Goodnight!" James said as the door closed in his face.

He finished tying up his shoes and pressed the lift button down. He ubered for pickup and waited by the curb. He noticed 2 boxes of pizza and coke in cans by the rubbish bin, untouched. A car stopped right in front of him and as he was about to get in, he noticed a shadow flicked a cigarette from the corners of his eyes. He was too tired to process anything at all and instead he let out a huge yawn and closed his eyes, when he opened them, he was just a left turn away from his flat.


Andre was already helping himself with cereals and strawberries straight from James' fridge. James tapped him on the back and proceeded to make himself breakfast. He noticed Andre's undeniably glowing face which looks utterly annoying for him, to be quite frank.

"What's wrong with your face man? You look like some lovestruck teenager." James commented when he just couldn't contain his annoyance anymore.

"I had a lovely dinner date with Yassi. We went to films at the park and stroll around the area until I think it was over midnight."

"That's it?" James almost choked from his cereals, or he attempted to choke from what he just heard from his best bud.

"No sexy time at all?"

"Nope." Andre smiled from ear to ear. "We had some french here and there." He said proudly.

"Boooring." James threw some bis of cereals at Andre's.

"Hey so what about your pizza date with Nadine?"

"That's no date mate, we were just hanging out cause you and Yassi ditched us!" James suddenly had a recollection of last night. "By the way how come you didn't drop Yassi off last night? Someone was trailing after her. Thought she ditched you for somebody else mate."

"What do you mean? I did drop her off. We ubered together and I made sure that she's safe before I left. Gentleman to noh!" Andre said with so much pride in his tone while tapping his chest. "I made sure she was already inside the lobby when I left. I didn't see anyone in particular though. Why? Who's this guy?" He waited for James to continue with what he seems to be pointing out.

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