chapter 2 - the new kerry

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chapter 2 - the new kerry

photo is of rochelle

kerrys pov

i scooped up my suitcase of the lugage thingy. it was my favourite colour, sky blue, my favourite colour used to be red, like cherry, but i was my own person now. i looked through the crowds of people for dad, i hadn't seen him in a year and a half. i had gone to boarding for two and a half years and he and mum came to see me in the holidays. and now i was back. i got bored of boarding school. england is dull and it rains to much. i still remember before i left. cherry and i were young and nieve, just little kids. cherry wasn't that into reading, but i convinced her to read that jaqueline wilson book, "double act" about those twins, ruby and garnet. garnet was smart and quiet twin, like me, and ruby was the outgoing and lively twin, like cherry, they both even mean red! at the end of the story they try to get into a boarding school, but only garnet gets in. thats what happened with us.

i finally spotted dad, waving his free hand at me, the other was holding a piece of paper with kerry olivia blakeson written on it. in red. i ran over and hugged him.

"kerry!" he exclaimed.

"dad!" i exclaimed. it was like that for a bit. i talked about boarding school and he talked about cherry and his job and mum and our new house. we got to his huge new silver four wheel drive, and he threw my luggage in the back. aparently i was going to go to littlewood primary (actually goes up to year 8) and that cherry would introduce me to her friends.

 when we got to the house i gasped, it was HUGE. i hopped out of the car and grabbed my suitcase. dad lead me in.

it was just as big inside as it looked like it would be from the outside. we went upstairs and he showed me my room, or rooms. one was huge and white, also completely bare, and it had an ensuite bathroom. then there was another room that was practically the same, except there was a whole lot of furniture in there for me, and there wasn't a bathroom. he told me i could have the bare room, paint it whatever colour i want, and then move my furniture in. i got set. he took me down to the second garage, that was used for storage, and showed me all the paints. he had three shades of every colour, even silver. i got black, sky blue, and bright silver. i went back up to my room and with dads help, started painting. two walls blue, two walls silver. we painted with rollers, and with paint brushs, and we got it done in about two hours. then the hard part. the ceiling. dad got a ladder and we took turns, but eventually i had a black ceiling with pretty little silver stars dancing all over it.

i was about to go and take a shower before we move the furniture in, when we heard a car pull into the drive.

"that must be you're mother" dad says. i take of down the stairs and out the front door, running down to her little sports car.

"hey cherry" she calls. then she looks again, and her eyes widen as she sees the brunette hair (i dyed it) and the overalls covered in paint.

"kerry!" she exclaims, hugging me and getting paint all over her blouse and skirt.

we went upstairs and she changed her clothes while i went to have a shower in my ensuite bathroom. when i opened the door i gasped. it was huge and white. there was a huge square mirror bordered with paua shells, a shower with a moveable nozzle, and best of all a spa bath. there were bath balls, bath salts, soaps, gels, shampoos, conditioners, you name it, there was even a rubber duck with kerry written on it!

 i was tempted, but decided i would take a bath tonight. i turned on the shower and stepped. it was nice and hot, just what i needed. at boarding school the showers were just tiny cubicles and you only got a minute.

 i probably stayed in there for about fifteen minutes, and while i was in there i started thinking about cherry. where was she, anyway? did she even know i was here? what if she's home when i get out of the shower? i got out of the shower and towel dried myself and got dressed in shorts and a tank, it was a hot day, the sun was pouring down. my suspicions were confirmed, cherry was home and watching the flatscreen in the lounge. neither mum or dad had told her i was home and it was up to me. i slowly stepped into the lounge. her eyes widen as they see me. she jumps up and runs over to hug me.

"kerry" she exclaims. (people keep exclaiming my name today!)

"hi cherry" i say. thats what we did for a while, just talk, waiting for someone to interviene so we could go and do something else, we weren't ready for this, to just be best friends again, not when we've changed so much.

we don't even feel like twins anymore.


aloha tropical readers, heres chapter 2 of little ms popular! bon appetit!




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