chapter 4 - a school surprise

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chapter 4 - a school surprise

the photo is of lilly

kerry's pov

when i woke up i sat up on my huge comfortable bed and looked at my luxurious room, which had sunlight leaking through the curtains. today was my second day here, and my first day at school. i looked over at my alarm to see it was 6.30 am. i was used to having to get up at 6.00 am so i didn't consider it early.

 it was monday so dad would be at work, and because we only live 5 minutes away from school, cherry didn't get up until 8.00 am. mum would sleep in until 7.30, then she would go downstairs and make breakfast in our huge luxurious kitchen. because she is an author, she doesn't actually have to leave the house, except for business meetings, and then she likes to do an hour of gardening and an hour of writing a day.

i rolled out of bed and my feet slipped into my furry slippers. i went over to my bathroom and started the shower. i hopped in and the water woke my body up. i conditioned my hair and used some soap and then i hopped out.

i decided to put on my favourite outfit for the first day of school. i changed into my collared button up blue top, black belt, black shorts, and strappy blue sandals. as my hair dryed it turned into bouncy curls and i sprayed some hair spray on it. i grabbed my shiny silver bag and put my stationery in it.

it was just 7.00 so i headed downstairs and watched some T.V. i decided to make breakfast for me and mum and cherry. i boiled, fried and scrambled some eggs and fried some bacon.

"kerry, is that you? something smells good!" i heard mum say as she descended the stairs. she was wearing a dark green tank top, blue skinny jeans, and black high heels. her hair was straightened and pulled back into a ponytail with loose strands.

"morning mum, i'm making breakfast" i greeted. she smiled and came down and sat on the chair at the breakfast bar opposite where i was cooking.

"kerry, cherry won't be able to go to school with you today, she is feeling very unwell, so i'll take you to school." she told me. i wasn't sure how to feel, i know cherry's popular and i didn't want to just go to school and be known as cherry's sister, but it would be nice to have someone to help me around.

"thats terrible! i'll take her breakfast, how does she like her eggs?" i asked.

"boiled, and thats a lovely idea, she'll appreciate it" she told me. i put two boiled eggs, some toast, and some bacon on a plate and took it up to cherry's room. i knocked on the door and heard a mumble that i couldn't understand, so i opened the door slowly.cherry was lying drowsily on her huge bed, her hair was messed up and there was scrunched up tishues everywhere.

"hey cher"i greeted, placing the plate on her bedside table next to a thermometer.

thanks kere" she mumbled.

i don't think she's sick. it may sound weird but i think she's faking. i don't know what she's hiding from, or what she's trying to get out of, but i don't think she's really sick.

guess its a twin thing.

i headed back downstairs and mum and i went down to drive to school.

mum has a little white sports car, you know the type with only two doors at the front. it had black leather seats, and it appeared new, but mum said she's had it for 8 monthes and she just gets it cleaned. that's pretty flash, dad has a big silver four 4WD and mum has a little white sports car. i jokingly asked if they had any more but mum replyed they had a blue convertible in one of garages.

when we got to school i hopped out and waved goodbye to mum. as i walked along the concrete path up to the large school building, i took in the two fields on either side of the path, filled with kids talking and playing, that all appeared to have turned to stare at me.

i walked a little faster, my heels clicking on the concrete. they weren't actually heels, my sandals just had little one centimetre dark wood wedges.

i got to the main building and went straight over to the office. i opened a large glass door and stepped inside.

"ah, hello cherry" a young blonde woman said.

"ah, i'm kerry reed, cherry's sister" i explained. she looked a bit stunned, but continued anyway.

"well, er, you're in....... lisa mccarter's room........13" she told me.

"thank you" i said, as i walked out. going down the hall to room 13 was crazy. people were staring, some with their mouthes open. i quickened my pace and when i finally saw room 13, i speed over to it, but when i was almost at the door, three girls stopped in front of me.

the one at the front had hair that looked alot like mine, but i thing she curled it. she was wearing a tie dye shirt, mini denim skirt, and red velvet  flats. the girl behind her on her left had short white-blonde hair, that was pinned at the back, but had loose strands at the front. she wore a necklace that said lily, a mini yellow dress, netted white leggings, and white boots. the girl on the right had flowy black hair, and was wearing a light blue top with a denim waist coat, flowy dark blue skirt, and black converse sneakers.

"what the hell have you done to yourself, cherry!" the front one exploded, making all the other kids in the hallway turn to watch. cherry.

and then it hit me. cherry hadn't told them. or anyone.

at first i was confused. i was cherry's sister, why wouldn't she tell anyone about me?

then it turned to anger. didn't she want me here!? what sort of a person would let the one person who knows them better then anyone else in the world leave, so that they could build themselves a new life, for popularity, for attention, for whatever the hell it is cherry wants.

i let it out.

"look, i don't know who the hell you are, or how you know cherry, but i've got news for you. cherry. is. my. sister. so deal with it as soon as you get out of my god damn way!" i didn't wait for a reaction, i pushed past her and slammed the door to the classroom.

cherry. she did this.


heeeeeeello lil readers, hope you liked this chapter. so i'm starting team cherry and team kerry.

also, for i have changed their last name to reed, instead of blakeson, incase you were confused, and their new names are in chapter 1 aswell.




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