Rose Tyler is Our Captive

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1275 words
Question of the chapter: What country are you from?
This chapter is dedicated to @crystobert for your awesome and fun comments!


Lily strode angrily forward into the compound where she had grown up with her mum. They had been kept in this military base so that they could keep the Doctor out in case there was a malfunction with the gaseous drug they had used to wipe his memory of Rose.

Lily reached her mum's room and was surprised to see there was no door. It had been completely blown off by a laser beam -no doubt belonging to a screaming Dalek.

In recent years, this military base had been in decline as forces were slowly moved elsewhere. The Daleks attacked it the day previous at its weakest point and taken her mum. As she stepped through the empty door, she felt her anger stir at the room in disarray. On the wall in burnt letters it read "Rose Tyler is our captive". Lily simply gripped her weapon tighter in her hand as she investigated the room more. Everything was normal (except the few burnt and knocked over things). Lily turned and caught something in the corner of her eye. It was a journal on the ground. Lily gingerly picked up the old, fragile thing and flipped through its pages. It was filled with her mother's handwriting. Lily went over to the couch and sat down.

She opened up to the first page. She knew she didn't have a lot of time for her mother, but this room was telling her nothing and she was out of ideas. So, she began to read.


By the time she was done with all the stories about her father and what the Time Lords had done, she knew what she had to do. And she knew exactly where to go.


Lily strode into the abandoned museum with a fire in her eye that, if anyone had been there, would scare anyone from stopping her. It took her a few tries, but she soon found the room she was looking for. She walked up to one of the large cylinders and opened the door. The TARDIS was beautiful inside. She glanced behind her before slipping inside, and taking off.


The Daleks had discovered Rose's relations to the Doctor through some old documents they had gotten ahold of. Lily knew this, as she'd been informed of this by the soldier who filled her in on what happened to her mum. The Daleks were unaware that the Doctor didn't know who Rose was, and they were trying to use her to drag him out and kill him. Lily knew he wouldn't show up, so it was her job to save her mother. She had been She probably wouldn't make it out alive, but she was trained for similar situations in the army.

Lily had been trained for operating a TARDIS, but it was still an interesting experience to actually be behind the wheel. She messed around a bit, making sure she knew what she was doing, then she prepared to follow the Daleks who took her mum.


Lily realised that she had no idea where she was going. The Daleks were so spread out, they could've taken her mum anywhere. So, she stealth flew by Dalek ships and scanned for non-Dalek life forms. Several times, she would detect something and it was another prisoner.

The first time this happened, Lily was staring at the screen, looking for any traces of life. Hope bubbled up as a single signature was registered in the middle of the ship. She quickly moved the TARDIS in, but was surprised that there was nothing restricting her easy landing. Surely they would've been more prepared?

As she landed, she dashed out of the large complete silver and gold control room into a dark, smelly area. "Hello?" An unfamiliar voice called out. Lily pulled out a torch from her military outfit and left a mental note to change.

As she turned on the torch and looked about, her eyes fell on a green skinned man who stunk and looked awfully unhealthy. Her hope fell immediately as she realised she had not found her mother. However, something inside of her stopped her from turning her back on the poor man.

"Quick!" She shout-whispered. "Before they notice-" Red alarms began to go off in the ship, illuminating the room in a chill inducing red glow. She heard a nasty Dalek voice approaching from down a hall, and she dashed forward to help the person into the TARDIS. Just as she closed the door, she heard a Dalek voice call out.

She sat down the stunned creature and ran to the middle to get them out of there before the Daleks detected the old Time Lord technology hidden as a support pole in their midst. Soon, they were within a safe distance away from danger and she brought the man through the silver and bright hallway she hadn't been down yet. She knew a clinic should be around here soon. The creature was crouched over in a painful position. His green skin glowed in the silver lighting. His three eyes were squinted against the light. He seemed relieved when they arrived at the clinic and he could rest on a bed. She made small talk as she assessed the creature's health.

Why are you doing this? A voice in her head asked. She pondered on the question as she tended to Uli, the creature's, wounds. She realised that, not only had her mum brought her up to be kind and helpful, the stories she had read about her father inspired her. She wanted to know what it felt like not to kill Daleks like she'd been brought up by the Time Lords to do. She wanted to help someone for once. Without being ordered to.

Once the creature was healed of everything she could help with, she gave him a hug and dropped him off at the closest safe planet. It was time to try again.

And so she tried. Over. And over. And over. And over again. She saved numerous lives, but had yet to find her mum. She was losing hope.


By the time the Time Lords had realised her disappearance and had sent people out for her, she had saved three lives. She was on her fifteenth now, and had been somehow successfully avoiding the experienced few who were on her trail. She figured the missing people who had magically reappeared had something to do with them having any luck to begin with.

The more she saved lives, the sadder she got and the more hope she lost. The Daleks didn't take many prisoners. The ones they did take were either really important or for experimentation. So all the people she had saved had been emotionally scarred for life, and most physically scarred as well. If these people of little importance in the eyes of the Daleks got it this bad, how bad was her mum getting it? She just held on to the hope that they wouldn't touch her mum. She doubted this, however.

Daleks were never kind. That, she knew well.


She didn't know what to do. She felt as if time was running out. She was having no luck whatsoever and she was growing immensely lonely. She was running out of ideas and leads. She felt alone and lost.

One night when the loneliness nearly over took her, she sat down and began to reread the journal her mum had written about her father. As she read, an idea came to her.

No. You can't. He wouldn't.

But, somewhere amongst her doubt, a voice whispered, Oh, but yes he can and yes he will.


This is so great. I love writing.

Best comment gets a dedication next chapter.


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