4 next morning

10 2 3

****Xavier's POV****
Wow can't believe last night happen I've always dreamed of me and Kecin being together but I didn't think he returned them. So that's why I'm really happy I get to take him on a date today I'm thinking about to the fair then to the tattoo artist down the street because he's been wanting to get a tattoo but hasn't had enough for it so I'm buying him a tattoo.

Right now he's laying on the floor lookin up at the ceiling wrapped up in a blanket smiling like crazy he's so cute I get up from where I'm sitting an hover above him "morning angel " I say getting his attention he starts blushing like mad it's cute "morning love so where are we going today " he asks still laying on the floor I drop down to the floor to do some push ups above his head " well cutie I was thinking after this little kiss session "I leaned down kissing him every time I did a push up " I was thinking we could get breakfast then walk around the streets a little then go to the fair " this time he grabbed my face crashing are lips together " hmm " I hum in response HS finally let's go so I can continue them " then we can go to the tattoo artist so u can get the tattoo you want " his eyes lit up and changed to a beautiful blue, he's excited. He hugged me wrapping his arm around my neck and his legs around my waist he's really not that heavy hes buff but not heavy so I hug him back with one arm and continue doing my push ups.
We were like that for a couple minutes before I got up with him still latched on me so hugged him back and kissed him softly. " You ready to go I gotta stop at the house to pick somethings up "
" okay hey can I borrow some clothes even tho they'll be slightly big "
"Yeah of course baby " I say smiling
"Okay " he whispers while blushing
"You're so cute when u blush "
It made him blush even worst he just pushes me out the door grabbing my jacket and handing it to me "hush and go " he says

Nighty Night  (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now