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Well since I got that over with think I'll go see my best friend Kecin he's pretty rad dude I think he's working right now tho hmm let's go see him. I drive to Kecin's work place and go inside and first person I see is Kecin with a huge smile on his face . I laugh and smile at my best friend and say " hey Kecin"
"Hey Xavier what's up "
"Well just got in a fight with Lucas haha "
"Awww I missed it " he says pouting his cute little pout " yeah you missed it "
" man that sucks so whatcha want my break is coming up in two minutes "
"Hmm I want a sweet tea and a burger " I say lookin at the menu "that all dude " "yep "
"Well that'll be $2.00 "
"Ight " I take out my wallet and pay him and wait for my food to come out and he walks out with my food and his and sits at the table I'm sitting at .

"So what you doing tonight X" Kecin says with good in his mouth I chuckle at him " well I don't think I have a fight tonight so nothing what about you " I ask drinking my tea .
"Nothing really I get off work in about now so yeah nothing" he said Looking at his watch. "Well wanna go to a party tonight or watch a movie " I ask handing him my burger "aww thanks and let's watch some horror movies at the hang out I really don't wanna go home " "ight then movies it is " Kecin gets happy and starts bouncing around here's the thing with him he's kinda childish do yeah " alright you ready to go " I ask he shakes his head yes and gets up running outside to my car haha he loves riding in it. I walk outside and get in my car putting the top done and driving to are hang out and listening to Kecin play heavy metal on the radio.

After awhile of driving and Kecin singing we finally get to the hang out to find Tim and Jim there already snuggled up watching scary movies.
"Hey Jim,Tim " Kecin says waving at are two best friends they wave back saying hey , I sit down on the other couch that's if u wanna call it that it's pretty much a chair but a little wide it reclines this is Kecin's and my chair.
"Hey X scoot over " Kecin says coming over sitting beside me there's enough room on it for both of us to sit in it so I guess it's fine. "So what you guys watching " I ask
"Well it just came on its cabin in the woods " Tim says " this my favorite " I say getting excited Kecin looks at me with a little fear in his eyes I look back and hug him I forgot he didn't like this movie " do you wanna watch something else " I whisper in his ear he just shakes his head no and watches it snuggling in to me.

*****hours later******

Somewhere and sometime Kecin had fallen asleep with his head on my chest and knee pressing against my dick. But hey I'm not complaining but Jim and Tim threw a blanket at us and went to one of the rooms so i guess we're sleeping in the movie room tonight. Kecin started to move his leg a little and he applied more pressure on my dick making a moan slip my mouth " shit Kecin " I say in a whisper so I don't wake him but it didn't work he yawned and looked up at me " Xavier is that bothering you " he asks looking at me with his big blue-green eyes and pushing his knee harder making me throw my head back in pleasure. "K-kecin " I say looking down and putting my finger under his chin so I can tilt his head so I can kiss him. I lean in slowly not sure if he wants this but I'm shocked when he meets me half way placing a soft kiss we pull away from each other. "X-xavier " Kecin stutters and gets on my lap straddling me and stars grinding making me gasp at the sudden movement " yes Kecin " I say putting my hands on his hips. "X I -I wanna be with you I can't stand seeing u with other guys I just can't stand it "
****Kecin POV ****
"X I -I wanna be with you I can't stand seeing u with other guys I just can't stand it " I confess to my best friend looking down because I already know what he's going to say he's gonna say no but he doesn't say anything he just looks at me before smiling that beautiful smile that I love so much and he wraps his arms around me hugging me and whispers " I would love to be yours K "
I instantly hug him back smiling , I pull away looking into his big brown eyes . I lean in closing mine and crash are lips together in a hot steamy kiss I can tell it turned him on big time so I start grinding on him and I'm responded with a groan "Kecin I'm gonna fuck you senseless if you don't stop " I pause for a moment and do it one more time before stopping and peck his lips so I can lay down beside him. He just looks down at me and wraps his arms around me saying "night baby let's get some rest were going on a date tomorrow " " yayy " so I close my eyes and snuggle up to him drifting off to wonderland.

Nighty Night  (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now