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Things to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(F/c) = favorite color



3rd person POV

(Y/n) was a young 6 year old girl who lived in a lovely village called Phoenix Drop. (Y/n) had gorgeous (H/l) (H/c) hair and the most beautiful (E/c) eyes.
Even though her looks were stunning, her life wasn't the best. She was being abused by her parents and most of the village children bullied her because they were jealous about her looks. Those who didn't bully her would just ignore her.

When (Y/n) turned 7 she made a decision that no child should ever come across... She decited to run away. As (Y/n) was running away from the village with tears in her eyes, the day became night fast and (Y/n) was alone in the dark woods with no food or shelter. Days went by, until on day (Y/n)'s energy was so low, that she ended up collapsing and passing out. A few feet away was a tiny village called Lynx Claw and that particular night a guard was roaming the area where little (Y/n) was passed out on the ground and he found her. The guard took (Y/n) into the village and went straight to the village lord to ask him what to do with the little girl he just found.

It didn't take long for the lord to decide that the little girl would be better in an orphanage, so he told the guard what to do and the next morning, (Y/n) woke up in a bed in an orphanage.

(Y/n) continued her childhood in that orphanag, but things still weren't perfect since (Y/n) got bullied by some of the kids in the orphanage. (Y/n) had been in the orphanage for a month and she had yet again become the victim in bullying, untill one day a boy named Luke stepped in the way of (Y/n) and the bully.

Luke had black hair that covered half of his right eye. His eyes were as brown as chocolate and was about a head taller than (Y/n). Luke was also 7, but only a few moths older.

Since that day, (Y/n)'s bullying stopped and she and Luke became best friends. (Y/n) was so thrilled to have a friend that she didn't know what to do.

Years went by and the two still remained the best of friends. (Y/n) and Luke were now both 18 and they bought a tiny cottage for the two of them with the money they had collected for 11 years.

During the 11 years, the two told each other EVERYTHING! Except their feelings for each other. On the first night in their new home Luke had finally asked (Y/n) to be his girlfriend and (Y/n) answered with a very happy yes. Two years had gone by fast and (Y/n) and Luke were the happiest couple ever.

Today was (Y/n)'s 20th birthday...

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