Chapter 3 ~ What happened?

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Things to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(F/c) = favorite color



Your POV

We finished breakfast and I hadn't realized how hungry I was after I ate 3 bread in under a minute. Aphmau and Laurence were giving me a tour of the "new" Phoenix Drop and I was speechless.

What in the world happened here?

"Phoenix Drop changed a lot..." I mumbled to myself, but Aph and Laurence heard me.

"What do you mean?" Aph asked.

"Well umm... I used to live here about 13 years ago when I was about 7... In fact... Now that I think about it... I remember you Aph... You were the lord of this village!" I said remembering.

"That's true, but how do you know me? I just met you!" Aphmau said shocked.

"Well... If you remember the little girl 13 years ago that went missing..." I said remembering my 7th birthday.

"That was you?! Oh my god! Everyone thought you were dead after we couldn't find you for a week!" Aphmau gasped.

"Well surprise! Here I am! Alive and well! Heh heh..." I said sarcastically.

"What happened to you?" Laurence asked.

"Umm... It's kinda personal and I'm really not in the mood to talk about it... Maybe some other time?" I suggested.

"Okay... But if you ever need someone to talk to then you can always come to me if you want." Aphmau smiled softly.

"Or me." Laurence smiled.

"Thanks... Anyway what happened here? This whole place looks abandoned." I said.

"Well a few weeks after you went missing, me and some of my friends went to a dimension called the Irene Dimension. We were fighting a guy named Zane and his brother Garroth who was one of my guards and a really good friend, but Zane manipulated him and turned him against us, but Laurence got him back into his right mind and saved us from Zane and sacrificed himself so we could get out of that dimension. What we didn't know was that there the time went much slower and we thought we were in there for 13 minutes (a/n in this fanfic I decited that they were in there for 13 years or minutes and I decited to keep Aaron alive after he got Garroth out of the Irene dimension and stayed alive after he killed Zane. So if you notice these changes then here's the reason. Now back to the story!) And in this world that 13 minutes was 13 years. So with no lord to watch over the village it started to crumble and now this is what's left of it. We returned from the dimension a few months ago and were trying to fix the village. We also have an alliance called the Phoenix Alliance and also have capital for it." Aphmau explained.

"Oh that's cool!" I said.

"Yeah. Listen, me and Laurence are staying here for a few more days just to check up on things here and then return to the capital of the Phoenix Alliance. You're welcomed to join us there if you want or you can stay here in Phoenix Drop and live here. Oh and I noticed that you have no place to hold your sword so I asked Dante to make you a belt where you can hold your sword so you have two free hands." Aphmau said.

"Really? Thank you!" I thanked.

"No problem! Now you can find Dante in that house over there and after you've got your belt you can explore around the village and talk with some of the villagers. Oh and as for where you'll be sleeping. We made you a bed up in this big tree we were just in." Aphmau explained.

"Okay thanks!" I said.

"No problem! See you around (Y/n)!" Aphmau smiled and walked away with Laurence. I walked towards the house that Aph pointed at where this Dante person lived. I knocked on the house door and a lady with pink hair and cat ears answered the door.

Oh a meif~wa! Haven't seen them in a while!

"Oh hello! My name is Kawaii~chan! How may Kawaii~chan help you miss?" The lady asked.

She talks weird...

"Hello miss! My name is (Y/n)! I was sent here by Aphmau to find this man named Dante. Is he here?" I asked.

"Yes Dante~kun is here! Please come in! Kawaii~chan will get Dante~kun!" Kawaii~chan said.

"Thank you!" I smiled and entered the house. Kawaii~chan closed the door and then climbed up a ladder. I stood quietly in the living room area, until Kawaii~chan and a man with blue hair climbed down the ladder.

"Hello I'm Dante! Kawaii~chan here said that you asked for me?" The man said.

"Yes! Aphmau send me here. She told me she had asked you to make a belt for my sword for me." I explained.

"Ah I see! So you're the girl who was found near the gate! Glad to see you're doing well! How are you feeling?" Dante asked.

"Well umm... I'm doing good. Not the best, but good!" I said.

"Well that's good! Come follow me! I'll show you the belt!" Dante said and we climbed down the ladder into a basement.

"Here we are! Try it on! I want to see if it's the right size." Dante said handing me a brown leather belt with a pocked for a sword on it. I put the belt around my hips and it fit perfectly.

"It's perfect! Thank you so much!" I thanked and placed my sword in the sword pocket.

"It was no problem!" Dante said and we climbed back up the ladder and entered the living room again.

"Listen, are you sure you're okay? Those scars and bruises on your legs look really painful especially that burn mark!" Dante asked worried.

"No I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" I smiled.

"If you say so..." Dante mumbled.

"I'll be leaving now then. Thank you once again for the belt!" I thanked.

"No problem! By the way, I didn't get your name!" Dante said.

"Oh it's (Y/n)!" I said.

"(Y/n) eh? Well it was nice meeting you!" Dante smiled.

"You too! Bye!" I said leaving the house.

"Bye!" Dante said and I closed the door. I let out a sigh and looked at my surroundings.

I guess it's time to explore!


Hope you liked the chapter!

See you reading again soon!


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