Chapter 16 ~ Werewolves?

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Things to know:

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(F/c) = favorite color



Your POV

It's cold... And it smells...

"Uugh..." I groaned with a huge headache. I opened my eyes slightly and saw a mossy stone ground with a lot of dust on it.


I opened my eyes completely and noticed some iron bars making the room I was in a prison cell.

Where am I?

I was still on the ground because of the headache so I turned to my other side but nearly fit my head against a skull.

"AAAHHHH!" I screamed and jumped up to the fact that I was laying next to a skeleton.

"(Y/n)?! Is that you?! Are you okay?!" Lucy asked.

"Lucy?! Oh thank god you're here! Yeah I just got startled by something. Don't worry." I reassured her.

"Okay good." She said relieved.

"Where are you?" I asked looking around my cell.

"In front of you." She said and I turned to look at the other cell. There stood Lucy in her own cell.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's at anywhere nice." She said.

"Can you get us out? With your magic I mean." I asked.

"I tried, but my magic doesn't work here for some reason." She frowned.

"Shit." I frowned and walked towards my cell door. I tried to open it, but of course it's locked. I tried shaking it but it didn't budge.

"Human don't do that if human know what good for her." I heard a deep raspy voice say.

"Who's there?!" I asked angry.

"I is Zeran." The person said and walked from around the corner to my view.

"YOU'RE A WEREWOLF?!" I asked.

"QUIET HUMAN OR YOU GET EATEN!" Zeran warned making me scared.

"Where are we?!" Lucy asked sternly.

"You in our village witch." Zeran said.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Village is hungry and farmer human sheep isn't enough so we capture human and witch to feed village." He explained.

"Wh-what?" I said shocked.

"You can't eat us!" Lucy yelled.

"Village hungry so we eat!" He said angrily.

"You ain't laying a finger on me or Lucy!" I warned and was about to take out my sword until I noticed it was gone.

"Huh? Where is it?!" I asked looking around my cell.

"Zeran took all human and witch weapons and armor." He smirked.

"I swear when we get out you are gonna pay!" I yelled but regretted it instantly when Zeran barked at me and nearly pit my face off since my head was against the bars.

"AAHH!" I screamed and fell to the ground, backing away from Zeran!

"HEY! Get away from her!" Lucy yelled.

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